Chapter 40

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Holly Guacamole! We are on chapter 40, I never thought I would actually have ppl loving my writing and I LYSMMMM!!!!

the plot chosen by yall was Plot B as it was 5 votes to 2 votes.

Just to put y'all at rest, both plots have the same outcome just different stories and dramas but both have the same beginning (that will lead to different middles) and same ending that will lead to the sequal.

So y'all chose plot B so the plot will now go that way over then next god knows how many chapters until the end!




Ps, we are in the middle of moving houses so my writing isn't as quick as it usually is bc of moving my boxes into my workshop, my room and everything into the tiny tiny bungalow that my parents bought that is wayyyyy to small for my fam to even fit into. Like idk what their logic was and then it's rlly old and smelly on top of that like rlly bad so we going away for a week. Poor kitties had to live there for 3 weeks without us, but we did still go and feed them every day and have a fuss of them so don't do the animal cruelty pull over me. I do love my kittiesss and so does my dog.

Just bare that in mind pls bc... EVERYTHING IS MESS


Let's begin!


Diesel's POV:

Sirens were flooding the hallways. A deep constant siren that would pitch higher at the end before lowering again (kinda like a ww1 siren if you wanna Google that) and a robotic woman's voice over the top.

"All troops grab your gear and head to departure, forgetting your masks and guns will result in punishment. I repeat, all troops grab your gear and head to departure."

"Masks?" I asked looking at Stacey.

"Yeah, we have our own masks that hide our identity from our victims but show them we are all from the Mikkusu gumi. Our masks are known throughout the city of adults and the newly emerging adults that have just graduated will soon learn their place and know we are at the top of the food chain. Here, this one is yours." She said lifting up a dog skull mask.

I took it from her hands and put it over my head

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I took it from her hands and put it over my head. It fit perfectly and had a moving jaw.

"Only yours has a moving jaw; the others are missing the lower jaw piece. As you know the jaw is a sign of power as they have your strongest weapon in them. The teeth. Because your the boss you carry that power so you have the full jaw." She explained:

The sirens stopped and we made our way to the departure bay.

They were all sat along the walls and many vans lined up outside the lifting door.

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