Chapter 49

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(I'm ill 🤧 thank you my friend at school for transferring it to me 😭👍 love itttt thanks dear💕)

Diesel's pov:

We started climbing the staircase that lead up to the top floor.

"So..." Louis began looking like he had something on his mind.

I hummed in response looking at him.

"Do you have any questions you want to ask me?" He asked me.

"Well I do have a few pending on my mind." I said pinching my lower jaw in thought. We turned the corner and went up the next set of stairs.

"Go ahead, don't be afraid to ask me anything."

"We're you... born into your family?" I asked looking at his reaction. His eyes widened and then returned to its usual state, calm and collected.

"Of course I was born into my family. I'm just like any other. My father is my blood father, and my mother... she gave birth to me of course. I'm an only child, no siblings. My family tree is not large, nor complicated to understand." He said.

Why isn't he saying anything about the meat farm in the black market? Maybe he doesn't trust me... or he doesn't remember anything cause he was so young? Or the other option is that he doesn't want anyone to know. But I read on his file each animal is stamped with a permanent scar of a number somewhere on their body that won't be used for meat or fur coats. He must realise that he's not born into his family.


"So what are you expected of life?" I asked him.

"Expected of life? Well.. I'm expected to be a beastar for my fathers face in the company. It will increase the amount of customers we will have. I'm the next chairman of my fathers company. That's why he had me, an heir to his legacy if you will. He's arranged a marriage for me... a blind marriage. Never met the girl, and I don't want to either. I don't even want to be married off. I want to choose my own partner. Not to be forced to have heirs to the company with a girl I've never met or don't even know." He spat, getting angrier and angrier by the word. "I'm not going through with it. I'm 18 and I can choose who I want."

I looked at his determined face looking at the floor.

"Wow Bambi, getting all fired up there. Touchy subject huh?" I said in a monotone voice.

"Pft, not really, I just despise my father for forcing me to be who I'm not." He said looking at me.

We were now on stair case set 5 out of 15.

"God this is a lot of stairs and we aren't even half way up." He said looking up over the railing "What's... legoshi, to you?"

"Huh?" I said looking at him at the unexpected question.

"You heard me, what is he to you?"

I have a moments hesitation.

"He's an innocent pup, I don't mind him." I said walking up the stairs.

"But do you like him like him." He asked me.

"Hang on... your jealous again aren't you." I said looking over at him.

"No, of course not. I'm just clarifying something for my own knowledge and own self will. I don't get jealous." He snapped at me.

He's definitely jealous.

"Well, mr no jealously whatsoever, let me riddle you this." I said smirking at him. "If Legoshi we're to burst through that door right now and kiss me, how would you react?" I asked him pointing the the door leading out the the 6th floor.

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