Chapter 47

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(Part 3 of things my dog does for legit no reason: taking important documents and papers that we need in life just to annoy my mum.

In his mouth in this pic is my dads forms for his line of work so he can house the homeless into accommodating converted shipping container like things (that looks so much better than my house rn) that are modern and have running clean water and warmth for the homeless to live in permanently. But... Albus stole those papers :/)

Diesel's POV:

"You want me to do what?" Louis said shocked.

"You heard me, I want to take you out." I said looking at him confused.

"As in... a date?" Me said in a small voice.

"Yes, exactly like a date." I said sighing.

"Okay... where are we going?"

"A little place I used to go. I want to take you there, it's beautiful especially at sunset. Maybe we then could get dinner?" I said looking at him.

"Y..Yeah... that sounds great." He stuttered a little.

"Cool... ugh I have lessons today. I don't wanna gooo." I wined.

"You have to go, it's not that bad." Louis said sighing.

"It is too that bad!" I exclaimed and pouted.

"What have you got, show me your time table."
He said holding out his hand for my phone.

I unlocked my phone, got up the document and handed it to him. He looked at todays lessons scanning the screen.

"Evolution, business, communications for carnivores and media. Not too bad." He said handing the phone back to me.

"But I have to be separated from you." I said in a sad tone.

"You are almost a grown independent dog, not a puppy, you can survive a few hours without me." He said smiling at me.

"Nooooo I need my bambiiii." I said rolling my head back.

"How about I come to evolution and business with you, then I need to revise. Deal?" He said rubbing the corners of his eyes.

"Deal!" I practically shouted.

We carried on eating until a burst of commotion exploded near were we were sat. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the drama unfold there and then.

"Hey, you stole her from me? How dare you! I thought you were my friend!" A striped hyena shouted at a male coyote.

There was a smaller female red fox sat at the same table with the coyote.

The coyote stepped up out of his seat and into the hyena's face.

"Well, I don't see a claim mark on her neck so she doesn't belong to you." The coyote yelled back.

"No, but you knew I liked her!"

"And? You snooze, you loose. She's way to amazing for your feral dog ass."

"How dare you! You want to fight this out buddy, here and now?" The hyena said, shoving the coyote back.

"Why not, then I have a chance to impress Amy with my strength!" The coyote snapped his jaw at the Hyena.

The hyena gave a snarled and lunged at the coyote, biting him in the shoulder. People screamed and jumped back and the herbivores cowered away a bit.

"Your feral! Maybe you devoured that drama student!" The coyote said through the struggle of getting the hyena off him and clutching his shoulder to stop the blood drawn from spreading.

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