Chapter 6

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Heidi's POV:

I was getting changed in the girls locker room, listening to them gossip about my brother. A grey wolf entered.

"Isn't that tall Doberman hot!" A zebra exclaimed.

"Who's this?" The grey wolf asked.

"Oh Juno! You haven't seen him have you? He's super good looking! His honey eyes, tall figure, he's just like someone out of a Hollywood movie!" A alpaca said running up to the wolf.

"Who is he?" The wolf asked as the others gathered around her.

"We don't know. Louis interrupted us when he was introducing himself. He looks really familiar like I know him from somewhere, but the question is, where exactly?" My roommate Sheila the leopard said.

I didn't mention him to her, although she is my roommate.

"Who's she?" The wolf now known as Juno asked.  And pointing at me. I scowled at her and continued changing.

"That's my new roommate Heidi. She arrived with the other guy!" Sheila said walking up to me and putting her hands on my shoulders, forcing me to face the others. "Say hello Heidi!" She said using her fingers to pull back my gums, making a forced smile.

"I said say hello!" Sheila said in my ear. I rolled my eyes and mumbled. "Hello."

She was satisfied with it.

"So Heidi, whose the other guy who's not your boyfriend?" A small lemur asked.

"Doesn't matter at the moment. He'll tell you if he wants to." I said turning back around. I tied my hair up and turned around. The door opened again and a white bengal tiger walked in.

"Jude! What are you doing here? I thought you went back to the dorms. Couldn't stay away from your boyfriend, huh?" The alpaca said looking up at the feline.

"Who, Bill? No I wanted to catch another glimpse of that Doberman." She said blushing a bit.

"Your gonna cheat on Bill, just like that?" The lemur asked.

"He's got his claws into other girls around campus. I want to give him a dose of his own medicine and have some fun." The tiger spoke. I growled at her and snapped.

"My brother is not a play thing. You can't use him like that. You can't chew him up and spit him out. Diesel doesn't deserve that." I shouted at her.

"Diesel? As in the famous model?" Sheila said surprised.

I walked away and slammed by locker shut, kicking it and leaving a dent.

"Well, even more reason to date him."  The tiger said giving a smirk.

"Yeah good luck with that." I laughed. I knew something no one knows. Not even our parents.

"I'm gonna go and speak to him. Chow." She said before leaving.

"We should go too before we're late and Louis gets angry." The girrafe said. The girls filtered out the room. I still was facing my locker, forehead pressed up against the cold surface.

Sheila was the only animal left behind. "Why didn't you tell me you had a brother, and you were a famous model of my favourite company." She asked walked up to me and leaning her shoulder against the locker next to mine.

"Because I didn't want you to think I'm a snob because I'm famous. People always assume that about us. They always pick on Diesel because of his height and build. And you wouldn't have believed me if I told you we're twins." I said looking at her with sorry eyes.

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