Chapter 5

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Louis' POV:

I just came from the committee meeting. I had to go because I'm going to be the next beastar.

I walked to the drama club so we could start practice and cast rolls. It only took a couple of minutes to arrive.

I opened the doors to see everyone crowded around these two students. The girls crowded round him, listening intently to every word he was saying. Just like the things the girls do around me. His attention was fully on the girls. Even Bill's girlfriend was crowded around him.

What is this feeling inside of me. Anger? No it's not anger. I feel it settled in to the pit of my stomach. Jealousy? Maybe. But why? Was I jealous of the attention he was getting? Did I have a deep hatred for him? Yes. It was hatred and jealousy.

I hated him.

Diesel's POV:

Louis entered with a stern look in his face.

"Hey." Louis spoke with a harsh tone. I couldn't smell any emotion on him.

"Hey." I replied with the same tone back to him.

"Excuse me? We still didn't get your name." A white bengal tiger asked me.

"I'm-" I started before Louis cut me off.

"Why is everyone standing around. Get changed. Now." He said. Everyone dispersed.

He walked over to me with a anger in his eyes.

"You. Go and help Legoshi and Kai with the lights after changing yourself. Then go help Dom with the costume designs and fitting." He said before turning away from me.

"What? I'm meant to be on the actors team. I mean I could try with the art department but I can't do any art to save my life so..." I began. His whole body stiffened at my words.

"Actors team?" He asked with a harshness in his voice.

"That's what the Head Master Gon said." I replied.

"Go and collect a script and the club uniform. Everyone is going to change now. Ask Sanu for an audition. We have one major part available and some minor parts that we don't really need. You would have to blow us out the water to get the major part. We don't really need that part either, but it would make it more exciting. I doubt you would do a good job of it though. I don't expect much from you." He spoke before leaving.

Wow that was cold. I'm going to prove him wrong. He'll see that I am someone he doesn't want to mess with. I realised that everyone had gone to change into the drama club uniform. But who was Sanu?

There was a pelican in the corner holding a clipboard. I decided to go and ask him.

"Hello? Excuse me?" I asked walking towards the smaller bird.

"Hi there. How can I help you?" He spoke.

"Do you know where I can find a Mr Sanu?" I asked.

"That's me. Can I be of assistance?" He said tucking a clipboard under his arm.

"Louis asked me to grab a scrip, the drama club uniform and ask for an audition." I said.

"Ahhh yes. Here!" He said walking to a small cardboard box, taking out a brand new script and new white top and red sweat pants. Not really my stile but I'll roll with it.

I bent down so he could place the items in my large paws. I stood back up and looked down at him.

"The changing rooms are through those double read doors and down the hall. You can't miss it. Your locker will be number 7." He said smiling.

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now