Chapter 1

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"Meredith Grey your going to be late" Ellis yelled from down stairs "I'm coming mom!" Meredith yelled coming down the stairs. "Meredith dear before your run off Carolyn invited us over for dinner at 6 tonight her son is back in town god I haven't seen him in a while anyways she invited us over and all of her kids will be there including Mark" Ellis said "okay bye mom see you after school she grabbed a piece of toast and ran out of the house and drove to school.

Some background information Carolyn and Ellis are bestfriends and Derek's sisters are Nancy 30, Kathleen 28, Liz 26, and Ameila 15

Meredith got to school a little late and headed to the auditorium she had to go because it is the first day of school.
She opened the doors and everyone looked at her "Oh Miss Grey welcome" Mr. Webber said the principal of her school he didn't mean it in a rude way her and Mr. Webber were close considering he was good friends with her mother. "Sorry about that" she said then spotted Cristina and the rest of her friends and sat by them.

Meredith's pov

Mr. Webber did his usual speech for the highschool then he had some adult come on stage. "This is Mr. Shepherd he will be this years math teacher" he said. He was very good looking and pretty young to be a teacher and why would someone that good looking even be a teacher I was deep in thought staring at him when I felt someone staring at me so I snapped out of it and realized he was staring at me Mr. Shepherd.

Derek's pov

I get introduced and I'm on the stage when I notice a pair of beautiful green eyes staring at me and I got lost in them isnt that the girl that was late today what is her name ah Meredith Grey she was stunning but I can't be feeling this she is like 17!

No one's pov

After they were done all the students went to the last part of their first period and Meredith was stuck with history she kind of wanted to go to math after seeing that teacher.

It was 5th period which is lunch so Meredith sat down by her friends "so Mer why were you late this morning?" Alex asked. "I slept in nothing exciting" she said "were you that tired from doing nothing all day yesterday you had to sleep in" Cristina laughed "yeah mhm pretty much I can't do anything my mom only let's me out of her sight when she's at the hospital" Meredith said.

After a little bit of catching up with her a friends Mr. Shepherd caught her eye. She saw him talking to another teacher but damn did he look hot.
"Earth to Meredith Grey" George said waving his hand in front of her face "sorry I was just zoning out" she said "I bet you were" Cristina mumbled "what was that?" Izzie asked "oh nothing" Cristina said knowing exactly why Meredith was 'zoned out'.

Meredith's pov

I was so exhausted already from today and I still have one more period but it's math so I get to see Mr. Shepherd and then supper with Carolyn and her kids now that I think about it their last name is Shepherd too but I doubt they are related in anyway.

I get to class and of course I'm the first one there so that means I'm alone with my teacher actually my very hot    teacher I should say "ah you are Meredith right?" He asks me "yes I am Meredith Grey."

Derek's pov

Grey I know that last name Ellis Grey is my moms bestfriend but people share last names and if she is Ellis's daughter I will get to se her tonight as Derek not Mr. Shepherd but I really   should not be thinking about her in any other way but as my student but for some reason I can't get her out of my head.

This is bad my mother is going to kill me for even thinking about a girl 8ish 7 years younger than me she will double kill me if she is Ellis's daugter.

Nobody's pov

Meredith and Derek both hear foot steps and Meredith goes and sits down breaking their gaze they had it was a beautiful moment of silence and of course school ruined it.

"Okay as you guys know I'm Mr. Shepherd and I'm just going to hand out a worksheet this will not be graded I just want to know where you are at for a skill level" Derek told the class.

As Derek talked Meredith couldn't keep her eyes off of him and that didn't go unnoticed by Cristina. Cristina nudged Meredith "so hot the hots for Shepherd huh?" Cristina whispered to Meredith "what no!" Meredith whisper yelled. "You know he is pretty good looking a little dreamy" Cristina said then gasped "Mcdreamy!" Cristina said a little too loud "shh shut up Cristina" Meredith whispered.

"Anything you girls would like to share with us?" Derek asked them "actually-" Cristina started before covering her mouth "nope sorry about that Mr. Shepherd!" Meredith stopped her quickly "okay fine Miss Yang anything  you would like to share with the class" he asked "no not really I just made up a nick name for someone special Meredith had the hots for" she said calmly "Cristina!" Meredith shrieked which made Derek chuckle a bit to himself about how cute she was.

Class was finally over and Meredith handed in her worksheet and left his room grabbed her things and went straight to her locker then to her car and headed home to get ready for the dinner in a few hours.

Tell me what you think about this first chapter and ideas I could use for it too bye!

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