Chapter 38

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"Why are we always the ones getting talked about do you people seriously have no other lives?" Derek laughed at his family as they were in his mothers back yard having a bonfire Meredith sitting in his lap

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"Why are we always the ones getting talked about do you people seriously have no other lives?" Derek laughed at his family as they were in his mothers back yard having a bonfire Meredith sitting in his lap.

"Because it's fun" Liz answered watching her husband roast her son a marshmallow for s'mores.

"Yeah all of our lives are boring" Nancy shrugged setting out all the ingredients for the s'mores.

"How are you and Kai?" Meredith asked Ameila.

"Great" she smiled putting her s'more together.

"That's good" Meredith smiled.

"Yeah" Ameila said smiling wide.

"Could you make me a s'more please Der?" Meredith asked sweetly.

"Yeah, get off of me so I can get up" Derek chuckled.

She did as he said and when he got off she sat back down. After he got the marshmallow on he went over and laid down next to the fire while he roasted it.

"How do you want it?" Derek asked Meredith.

"Golden brown" she smiled wrapping herself in a blanket.

"What Meredith burnt is the best way" Liz argues.

"Get out" Meredith laughs.

"They get that from me" Carolyn laughs.

"Dad liked them golden brown" Derek sighed roasting the s'more perfectly.

"He did" Carolyn smiled smalley.

Once Derek finished roasting the marshmallow he put it together and gave it to Meredith.

She moved so he could sit down and she sat on his lap. "Thanks you" Meredith smiled.

"Your welcome" he smiled kissing her head.

"And why wouldn't we want to talk about you two yous so cute" Kathleen said.

Meredith just shrugged and leaned more onto Derek.

"We are pretty cute aren't we" Derek said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I am" Meredith said kissing him.

"You taste like a s'more" he said pulling away from the kiss.

"Here have the last bit you will taste like one too" Meredith said holding a little chunk of a s'more to his lips.

He took it and popped it into his mouth. Meredith waited until he finished it then kissed him again. "Now we both taste like s'mores" she giggled.

He chuckled holding her tighter. "You two act like horny teenagers" Ellis muttered.

"I heard that" Meredith said.

"Good" Ellis said.

"Hey where's your fuck buddy Richard?" Meredith joked with her mother.

"Meredith" she said.

"Kidding kidding" Meredith defended.

"You better be, and if you must know he had a business meeting in the cities so he left" Ellis said.

"That's why your so cranky lately" Meredith laughed.

"Huh what do you mean?" Ellis asked.

"Never mind forget I said anything" Meredith said.

"Meredith Grey just spit up out" her mother groaned.

"Well Richard is gone for a few days right?" Meredith asked.

"Correct" her mother said.

"And I said no wonder your so cranky correct?" She asked again.

"Correct" her mother said.

"I meant that your cranky because your probably horny" Meredith muttered.

"Meredith ew!" Derek laughed.

"It's the truth" Meredith shrugged.

"You need to get your head out of the gutter Meredith" her mother shook her head.

"I can't" Meredith shrugged.

"And why not Grey?" Mark asked.

Meredith just simply patting Derek's shoulder with a giggle. Derek just rolled his eyes playfully but didn't say anything.

"What's on your mind?" She asked.

"You gave me a horrible mental image I think I might go die" he groaned.

"Just think of me, exposed for you on our bed begging for you" she whispered in his ear.

"Meredith" he chuckled.

"What?" She asked then felt his hard on poking her thigh. "Oh, sorry" she giggled.

"What are you two doing over there?" Nancy asked.

"Well-" Meredith started but Derek put his hand over her mouth before she could say anything else "nothing, nothing" he said.

"Hmm, I find that hard to believe" Liz said.

"Just wait until later when everyone is getting ready for bed I bet you'll hear them" Mark said.

"Mark!" Derek groaned.

He just shrugged pulling Lexie closer to him. "Maybe we should all stay out here were we can keep and eye on them" Mark suggested.

"And you think that will stop them?" Amelia rolled her eyes.

"No, probably not" Mark sighed.

Little did they know Meredith unzipped Derek's pants and started to giving him a hand job. His head fell back. He put his hand under the blanket and grabbed her hips.

He lifted her up onto his large cock she let out a whimper. "Shh" he whispered in her ear. Her whimpers stopped. "Good girl" he said and started moving her up and down.

He moved his thumb to her clit and pressed down on it hard and she almost screamed bit didn't. He started rubbing it fast and I didn't take long until she reached her climax and he released not to long after.

"Okay it's settled we'll take shifts, okay Meredith and Derek?" Mark asked.

"Huh?" They both asked confused.

"They weren't even paying attention!" Amelia groaned.

Derek slowly lifted Meredith's weak body off of him and zipped his pants back up.

"Correct" Meredith said.

"You two are unbelievable" Carolyn shook her head.

"We are" Derek shrugged he could feel his and Meredith's cum on his shorts.

"Well we should get the kiddos to bed" Nancy said.

"Can we stay?" The three older ones asked.

"Yeah" Nancy and Liz said while all his sisters except for Ameila brought their kids in the house.

"This has been an interesting night" Derek chuckled.

"And a fun one" Meredith giggled.


Not me writing this in math class...

Okay quick question: does anyone else read wattpad and school and everybody look over your shoulder and ask what you're doing and you say reading and they always go "reading why?" Only if they knew...

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