Chapter 40

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In two days I'm going to be driving Meredith two Dartmouth it will be a long drive but it gives us more time her first day is in a week

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In two days I'm going to be driving Meredith two Dartmouth it will be a long drive but it gives us more time her first day is in a week. Right now we are at my mother's house having a family dinner mostly to say their goodbyes to Meredith.

I look over to Meredith who is sitting on the couch playing with Desmond he is already almost seven months old. She looks happy she's smiling and laughing but she has tears in her eyes and I hate seeing such a thing.

I walk over to behind where she is sitting and massage her shoulders.
"Hey Der" she smiles looking up at me while bouncing Desmond on her knee.

"Are you okay Meredith?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah, I'll just miss everyone" she says.

"It's okay" I say kissing her lips softly.

"I know" she sighs after I pull away.

"Make this one count the next time you'll see everyone will probably Thanksgiving" I whisper in her ear as I reast my head in her shoulder.

"Are you excited?" Nancy asked Meredith.

"No not really" Meredith giggled shaking her head playing with the baby.

"Why not?" Liz asked.

"Because everyone I love is here and I'll be so far away stuck in a dorm room with Cristina Yang who will probably try to get me wasted with her every night" she said holding the baby carefully as he got tired.

"Oh what about before when you said you couldn't wait to go to college?" Ameila asked.

"That was before I met Derek" she smiled laying her head against mine.

"Meredith Grey" Amelia said looking at her dead in the eye.

"What?" She asked confusedly.

"Since when do you get like this?" She asked.

"Hmm since I met Derek" she said then got up and looked at me.

"What?" I ask as she stands infront of me with her hands on her hips.

"You mister have ruined me" she giggles.

I walk up to her "oh did I now?" I ask putting my hands on her hips.

"Yeah" she nodded with a smile.

"In a good way or a horrible missile way?" I ask looking into her eyes a grin on my face.

"Oh in the worst way possible" she says sarcastically wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Then I should just leave then shouldn't I? I say.

"No" she shakes her head poking her bottom lip out.

"Why not you said that I am ruining your life" I say.

"I never said I wanted you to stop ruining it" she said softly before kissing me on the lips.

I immediately returned the kiss and it would've continued but as always we were interrupted.

"Meredith!" Her mother yelled.

She groaned into my mouth and pulled away "yes?" She asked sweetly and I laughed and shook my head at her.

"Stop slobbering over Derek and come help Carolyn and I in the kitchen" she said and Meredith's eyes widened.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" Meredith asked her mother.

"What kind of a question is that?" Ellis asked.

"I'm just saying if I try to cook I'll probably burn down the house and that means if we don't get out fast enough we could die so honestly it's a actual question and I'll repeat do you want to kill yourself?" She rambled.

"Meredith will you just shut your mouth and come cut some vegetables" my mother laughed.

"Fine" she groaned. "I'll be back, if I don't die first" she giggled pecking me on the lips before going to join our mothers in the kitchen. I smiled and sat down on the couch.

"What have you done to Meredith?" Nancy asked.

"Ruined her I'm guessing" I grin.

"I think you've ruined eachother" Aaron laughed receiving a elbow to the gut from Liz. "That hurt" he pouted.

"Suck it up you big baby" she said ruffling his hair.

"Uncle Derbear?" Lilly asked sitting on my lap.

"Yes Lil-bit?" I smile.

"Do you love Meredwith?" She asked me.

"With all my heart" I respond.

"Does she have a baby in her tummy?" She asks.

"No not yet" I tell her.

"Why not?" She pouts crossing her arms.

"Because Mer still has to finish college before she has a baby" I chuckle at her.

"Ugh" she rolls her eyes getting off my lap and walking away.

I sit there in disbelief when she walks back in the room. "You're a meanie" she says sitting on my lap again.

"How?" I ask.

"Meredith wants a baby in her tummy but you said no" she says.

"Because if Meredith had a baby in her tummy then went to college then I wouldn't be there to take care of her and I really want to be there for when that happens" I say softly and look up to see Meredith standing in the door way.

"Dinner is ready" she says to everyone and all the kids run to the table.

She walks over to me "I love you" she says softly and sits on my lap holding my face in her hands.

"I love you too" I say softly as she kisses me.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter its chapter 40!

It's been a few days sorry for the wait.

I just need suggestions I have one but I have to wait until Meredith has been in college for awhile.

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