Chapter 15

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"Cristina?" Meredith asked into the phone.

"Meredith I have been calling you all day why didn't you pick up" Cristina said angrily through the phone.

"Hm let me think...because it's Thanksgiving and I'm at the Shepherd's" she answered Cristina rolling her eyes a bit.

"Oh come on Meredith your at Mcdreamy's, mom's house how hard is it keeping you guys a secret from the whole family?" Cristina asked.

"Harder than you think" she responded getting up from the couch and walking into the other room.

"Who's Cristina?" Delaney asked.

"Her bestfriends" Derek answered.

"How do you know?" Melanie asked.

"They really like talking during math" he chuckled.

"What do they talk about?" Delaney asked curiously.

"Meredith's crush" he told her.

"What about Meredith's crush?" Meredith said walking back in the room still on the phone but it's on speaker right now.

"Hey are they talking about Mcdreamy in there?" Cristina asked and the whole family heard her.

"That is exactly who we're talking about" Ameila laughed.

"Ooh Meredith you put me on speaker?" Cristina asked.

"Yes Cristina your on speaker" Meredith confirmed.

"That's great I can tell everyone in the Shepherd family plus your mom that Mcdreamy is D-" Cristina was saying until Meredith took it off speaker phone and put it up to her ear.

"Cristina do you know how to shut your mouth" they all hear Meredith say before she walked away.

"Oh come on I wanted to hear" Melanie and Delaney complained.

"I could tell you because I know who it is but since I am so very loyal to Meredith I won't" Amelia told them she was pretty close to them considering she was only two years older.

"Amy you can't tell us that you know and not tell us who it is" Delaney said hitting her arm.

Amelia just shrugged laughing. "You know you can be a bitch sometimes" Melanie said.

"Melanie what have I told you about swearing" Liz said.

"Mom I'm not going to die if I swear plus I'm not lying she is with holding who Mcdreamy is" Melanie said.

"No because then Derek will hear and then he will probably find the kid and do a background check on him and we can't gave that can we?" Amelia said.

"I don't see why we can't" Mark budded in.

"I do" Lucas said.

"Aren't you going to side with your Uncle Mark and Uncle Derek?" Mark asked.

Lucas shook his head.

"And why not?" Derek asked him.

"Because if she tells us then Uncle Derek will get jealous and we don't need that" Lucas said.

"Lucas you are so your mothers kid rapped up in all the gossip" Matthew shook his head.

"I'm not wrong" he shrugged.

"I would not get jealous" Derek said.

"Why would Derek get jealous?" Meredith asked this time no Cristina.

"We were just discussing that if we were told who your crush is Derek with get jealous of them" Ellis said.

"Why would Derek get jealous?" Meredith asked playing dumb.

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