Chapter 28

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"One" "two" "three"

And they flipped the tests over.


Meredith and Derek both frowned a little. "False alarm" Derek said.

"Yeah, I guess so" Meredith said still staring at the sticks.

"Well hey we can still build the house you know baby or not then everything will be ready by the time we do have a baby" Derek told her while she laid her head down on his shoulders.

"Yeah, that would be nice" she said some silent tears running down her cheeks. She was so so tired and now isn't even pregnant she knew she should've gave her hopes up.

Derek noticed the tears and took her face into his hands and wiped away the tears. "Hey, it's okay if you were pregnant then you would have to put off college" Derek told her.

"Yeah, but I was hoping I'd be pregnant" she pouted.

"It's okay we can have kids but let's just get you through school first" Derek said rubbing her arms.

"Okay" she nodded with a yawn.

"Tired?" Derek asked.

"Mhmm" she mumbled.

"Let's get you to bed then" Derek said picking her up.

He laid her down on the and took off his clothes except for his boxers. He walked over and laid down by Meredith while she drifted off to sleep.  "Good night love" he mumbled into her hair. "Night" she said into his chest and fell asleep.


"Morning" Meredith groaned as Derek walked in to see her sitting on the bathroom floor. It was eleven am so it was technically still morning they had a late night because Meredith woke up puking.

"Morning, Meredith you sure you don't want to go to the doctors, you know what get into bed I'll get a bucket, some crackers, and a heating pad" Derek said going over to pick her up.

He carried her over to the bed and propped her up. He got a ice cream bucket and put paper towel in it then set it next to her. Then he got some saltine crackers from the cabinet and put some in a bowl. He put the bowl on the night stand then went to find the heating pad. He found the heating pad and warmed it up in the microwave for a minute.

He went and put the heating pad on her abdomen. Meredith laid her head back on the pillow and softly smiled. "Thank you" she said weakly.

"My pleasure" he said placing his lips to her forehead. "Hm you have a little bit of a fever let me take your temp" he said and went to look for the thermometer. He found it and went back to Meredith. "Say ahh" he chuckled.

"No" she giggled opening her mouth and closing it when he placed the thermometer under her tongue.
They waited for a little bit until it started beeping. Derek took it out of her mouth and looked at it.

"Yep 100.3 you have a fever" Derek said. "You get to lay in bed all day while I take care of you, okay" Derek told her not really as a question.

"Okay, today I feel the worst" she told him honestly. Derek looked at her pale skin color with flushed cheeks. Her read puffy eyes. Her messy bun she had put up. And one of his T-shirts that was way to big on her, she was even wearing a pair if his boxers.

"Yeah?" He asked stroking her cheek with his thumb. She nodded tiredly with a yawn. "How about you take a nap and when you wake up I'll start the shower for you and you can have some crackers, and for dinner I'll make chicken noodle soup, sound like a plan" Derek said curling up next to her weak body.

She nodded into his chest and it wasn't long until she drifted off to sleep. After ten minutes Derek decided to get dressed himself since he hasn't done that yet. He put on a tee shirt and sweats. He also picked out another tee shirt and a different pair of boxers and laid them out for Meredith to wear when she finishes her shower later.

He laid out the ingredients for the soup he would make later he knew Meredith liked it homemade the best. He actually started making it knowing he our Meredith haven't eaten at all except he had some pop tarts and she had a couple crackers, it was already two in the afternoon only a few hours away from dinner and he knew it took awhile to make plus Meredith would probably want to freshen up so it would probably take an hour or two to until they actually ate.

He had everything going fine it has been an hour the soup was almost done and Meredith was still asleep.
Meredith started to stir in her sleep and Derek walked over to her. She opened her eyes to be met with his blue ones. "Look who's up" he smiled kissing her head.

She smiled and sat up in the bed feeling a little sore. "I'm going to finish up the soup and then get the shower running" he said placing a glas filled with gingerale on the night stand for her. She took a drink and responded "okay" with a croaky voice.

Once the soup was done Derek poured it all into a big bowl placed a paper towel over it and set it in the microwave to keep warm. Then he went to start the shower.

"Ready?" He asked walking over to her. She nodded and got up.

"Can you take one with me" she asked shyly.

"Yes I can but no funny business young lady" he said point his finger at her.

"I can't do much I'm still a little weak" she laughed.

"Yeah, I figured come on let's go before the water gets cold" he said lifting the shirt off of her. She had no bra on which didn't suprise him, she wasn't feeling the best and she never wears bras to bed, he didn't look at her with lust as he u dressed her. He just looked at her with love.

Once she was undressed he stripped himself and they got into the shower.
Once the warm water hit them Meredith relaxed into his arms. He turned her around and got her hair wet. When her hair was wet he grabbed for the shampoo and massaged it into her scalp.

He rinsed out the shampoo and then added conditioner. When he washed that out too he grabbed the body wash and squirted some onto a loofah. He lathered her body with the body washed his hands roaming her weak body. He rinsed it all off and turned the shower off and he handed Meredith a towel and grabbed one for himself.

Once they both got dressed Meredith crawled back into bed and Derek reheated her heating pad and got her a bowl of soup. "Here we go love" Derek said giving her the soup.

She took a bite and moaned at the delicious taste. "I love you" she giggled before having another spoonful.

"I love you too" Derem smiled looking at Meredith. She was his forever he knew that she was different compared to anyone he had ever been with in a food way. Just looking at her and into her eyes he could tell she was his everything his forever he was looking forward to making it official.

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