Chapter 22

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"Meredith!" They heard yell from out side.

"Oh god, it's my mom" Meredith groaned.

"Good thing I just changed" Derek said.

"Haha" Meredith fake laughed and opened the door for Ellis.

"Good I hope you didn't forget I was coming" Ellis said walking in.

"No I didn't just hoping you would half to work" Meredith said closing the door.

"Not today, but tomorrow I do and Sunday I'll be here but I'll be on call"

"Great" Meredith said a little cheerier.

"Don't seem so happy now Meredith" Ellis said.

"I'm not" Meredith said nervously.

"Well you clearly don't want me here, wait are you pregnant is that why?" Ellis asked.

"Pregnant!, no are you crazy!" Meredith exclaimed seriously.

"Just checking" Ellis said.

"Meredith is not pregnant" Derek said.

"She better not be"

"I'm not" Meredith said.

"Good" Ellis nodded.

"Well I'm going outside now to see if my mom is here" Derek said.

"I'm going too" Meredith said following him out the door.

"Well I feel loved" Ellis sighed.


Everyone was all settled in and now they were all standing on the cliff with a beautiful view of the city.
Meredith was leaning into him with a grin on her face. Everyone was making small talk it was great.

"Derek it's so beautiful up here" Lexie said.

"It is" he nodded taking in the view.

"You should build a house put here Shep" Aaron said.

"I was thinking about it I just needed the right inspiration" Derek said.

"What's the inspiration?" Mark asked.

He looked at Meredith and wrapped his arms tighter around her and said "you don't get to know."

"You're holding on to Meredith pretty tight" Nancy said.

"Because I like Meredith" he murmured.

"Mhmmmm" Carolyn hummed.

"What? I do if I didn't why would I be dating her"

"Smooth Derek" Matthew chuckled.

His mother continued to stare at him.

"Fine fine, I love Meredith, is that better?"

"I think so" Meredith cut in.

"Me too" Derek agreed.

"I think I know the inspiration" Ellis said after a few moments of silence.

"You know I was really enjoying that silence" Derek whispered to Meredith making her giggle.

"Same here" Carolyn nodded.

"Yep sure but I know what it is" Mark said.

"Okay Mark what do you think it is?" Derek asked.

"Me ofcourse because look at me who wouldn't build a house because of me" he said gesturing to himself.

"Me I wouldn't" Derek said.

Ellis and Carolyn shared a knowing glance and both said "Meredith."

"Huh?" Meredith asked.

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