Chapter 46

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Derek Shepherd

After a very weird phone call I put my phone down and finished grading these papers for tomorrow. I have Amelia in my class so that is interesting. This last few weeks have been hard but Meredith and I are making it work and in a few days I'm going to fly out to see her I know it will make her happy. I put the papers away before leaving the class room. Meredith is three hours ahead so currently for me it's five in the afternoon where for Meredith it is eight in the afternoon so it's a little harder to call her in the morning but I do it and I know that it makes her day.

I would do anything to make her happy so if she calls me at eight in the morning I'll wake up and answer the phone call at five in the morning ah the things I'll do for love even if she talks for hours and I'm too tired to teach.

Usually it isn't hard because she always wakes up at ten so for me that would be seven for me and that's the time I usually get up at. I have to go to my mothers for dinner Mark and Lexie will be there aswell as Ameila because she's sixteen and lives there and Ellis of course will be there she practically lives at my mothers house or the hospital.

"I'm here" I announce as I walk into the house and take off my coat.

"Took you long enough" my mother says walking towards me and gives me a hug.

"Sorry I called Meredith then Cristina answered and well Cristina is Cristina" I chuckle as I walk to see everyone eating sitting at the table.

"Just in time" Mark smiles.

"How is Meredith doing?" Ellis asks she asks everytime I don't think she knows her own daughters number and everytime I offer to give it to her she declines.

"She is great though I didn't really speak to her tonight" I smile sitting g down next to Amiela across from Ellis.

"Why did she cut the conversation short?" She asks.

"No, Cristina answered the phone" I say.

"Oh that girl she is a crazy one" she laughs.

"I called Meredith and she told me that she wanted to break up with you" Ameila said and everything turned their head to her. "I'm kidding" she laughs.

"That isn't funny Amelia because Cristina was talking about guilt free passes today" I say.

"Why would Cristina need a guilt free pass?" Mark asks.

"Not for Cristina for Meredith idiot" I roll my eyes.

"What's a guild pass?" My mother asks as her and Lexie bring in the food.

"Basically it would be Derek giving Meredith permission to do anything and it wouldn't be considered cheating, have you not watched Naked Mile ma?" Mark says.

"No Mark I haven't and I don't want to" she says.

"Meredith told me she didn't want one so we're all fine Cristina was just being well Cristina there is no other way to put it" I chuckle.

"No but I did call Meredith today and all she could talk about was missing you I mean all of us but especially you" Ameila said to me.

"Because she's in love" Lexie smiles.

"Meredith Grey doesn't fall in love" Mark says.

"Well she does now that has met Derek" Lexie says smaking his arm.

"Ow what the heck Lex"

"Stop pouting you big baby, you're not supposed to say things like that" she says hitting him again.

"Okay I'm sorry" he says grabbing onto her hands.

All of a sudden my phone rings. "Derek" my mom says.

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