Chapter 18

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"Who are you?"

"Addison Montgomery" she said putting her hand put for her to shake Meredith took it after a bit of hesitation. "Meredith Grey" She smiled at the gorgeous women infront of her she seemed nice.

"Who is this cutie is she yours?" Addison asked.

"No, I wish she's just well I think of her of my niece but not by blood" Meredith answered her.

"Related by marrige?" She asked.

"Haha no I wish that too I really like her uncle but no my mother is her grandmother's bestfriend" Meredith explained.

"What's her uncle's name?" Addison was very curious.

"Derek" Meredith said.

"Derek Shepherd?" Addison asked suprised.

"Yeah you know him?" Meredith asked.

"Yes I know him I came here for him in college Mark Sloan, Derek, and I were bestfriends, then Derek and I moved to New York. Derek met Rose and he brought her down here but then they got married and she kept him away from his family I was the only he had besides that back stabbing bitch, a year after their divorced we dated let me tell you that did not go well we were better as friends and five months ago he left and he never answered my calls and so I thought he'd be here and it is Christmas so I thought I'd have a better shot at finding him" Addison explained the whole thing to Meredith.

"Oh" Meredith said.

"Yeah how'd you to meet oh wait never mind your mothers right?" She asked.

"Uhm no actually we didn't know eachother when we met uhm I'm his student" Meredith mumbled.

"You know I have good hearing and I just heard everything you just said so how old are you seventeen eighteen" Addison said.

"Nineteen held back in kindergarten" Meredith said.

"It's only a six almost seven year difference not that bad" Addison said.

"Does his family know?" Addison asked.

"Mark, Amelia, my bestfriend Cristina, and Mark's girlfriend who is turns out also my half sister Lexie knows" Meredith told her.

"I'll keep my lips sealed" Addison said then they heard someone coming closer.

"Meredith who is it?" Derek asked then he realized who it was. "Addison, what are you doing here?" Derek asked.

"Well if you bothered to return any of my phone calls you would know" Addison said.

"I was busy" he muttered.

"Mhm keep up the lying bud anyway you didn't tell me your dating again" he said gesturing to Meredith who had let the little girl go so she doesn't report back to her mom and aunts what she heard.

"Well Meredith is..special" he said looking at her mesmerised.

"I can tell anyway you could've at the least told me you were alive" Addison said smacking him on the head.

"Hey ow stop" Derek said.

"Next time don't leave your bestfriend alone and leave across the country" Addison said.

"Okay okay but it's not like I plan to go back to New York" he said.

"I never said come back I said don't leave your bestfriend well now you have your family, bestfriend, and girlfriend her so you better not leave" she told him.

"I won't I swear" he said wrapping his arm around Meredith.

"Good let me inside I haven't seen your family since weft for Nee York" she said pushing him.

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