Chapter 6

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Uhm so the first have is a bit spicy just so you know but rest should be just nothing or teasing

"Mhm Derek" Meredith whimpered and he put his hand in her pants and started working around her throbbing and wet pussy "that's Mr. Shepherd to you darling" he said. Then he snaked one hand in her panties "mhm Miss Grey so wet" he groaned in her ear. His fingers spread apart her folds then he took one of his fingers and started rubbing her clit. "Mhmm M-Mr. Shepherd" she moaned "do you want more" he asked her and received a eager nod.

Then Derek plunged one finger inside of her making her moan a bit louder. "Shh Miss Grey you might be heard you must keep it down" he growled "yes Mr. Shepherd" she nodded biting her lip. Then Derek added two fingers and started thrusting into her fastly.
While he was thrusting his thumb started to rub her clit "ohhh Mr. Shepherd" she moaned. "What's that Miss Grey?" He asked "f-faster" she moaned "gladly darling" he said making his movements faster making her moan louder bringing her to her climax. "That's it Miss Grey almost there" he said keeping his quick movements. "Mhmm Mr. Shepherd" she said and came all over his hand he brought his hand up and sucked on his fingers. "You taste very good Miss Grey" he said while she caught her breath. "Well how'd you like that" he asked "too much" replied and turned to face him. "Good to hear" be said "yeah" she smiled at him and kissed him. After the broke away Derek said "those are my new favorite pair of pajama pants now" "oh are they now" she giggle getting off of him to learn on the side of the deck. "Yes the most definitely are" he said following her.
"Well I'm going back inside you cool off especially after all of that" he said and kissed her cheek before walking inside.

"Look who's back inside" Mark said
"Took ya long enough" Ameila said
"Did you kill Meredith?" Cris asked
"She is probably cooling down" Izzie laughed. "Yeah yeah she just needs a bit to calm down I'm too much to handle" he winked at them and walked upstairs. "Well we did not need to hear that coming from our teacher.." Izzie said. "Well I'm his sister you think I wanted to hear that" Amelia laughed. "Well I'm his best friend I tell him shot that that all the time but he never acts like this" Mark said. "Then it's settled Meredith is the one for him" Cristina said.
"For sure" Mark said then Meredith walked in. "Hi" she said "hey" Cristina said. "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" She asked confused. "No reason" Izzie said "I don't believe you guys" Meredith said "don't believe them" Derek said coming downstairs. "They are liars they are looking at you like that because we were outside" Derek said "oh" she turned red. "Don't be embarrassed Miss Grey" he whispered to her. "I'll try Mr. Shepherd" she whispered back.

"Well are you all cooked down dear" Mrs. Shepherd said walking back into the living room with everyone in it "oh yes that was just what I needed" she said smiling "yeah it was really what she need" Cristina said with a smirk. "Cristina Yang shush your mouth" Meredith said. "What does she mean?" Carolyn asked "nothing I just really needed to go outside" Meredith said. "More than you know" Mark said. "Mark.." Derek said. "Was it a want or a need?" Amelia asked. "Need" Derek said with a smirk. "Derek!" Meredith yelled and hit his chest. "I'm kidding" he said laughing "you better be kidding" she said. Mrs. Shepherd walked away a while ago.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Meredith asked "I know what Shepherd wants to do" Mark said "what's that Mark?" Cristina asked "one word Meredith" he said "Mark!" Meredith yelled at him "I'm no liar it's all truths" Mark defended himself.
"Nobody needs to hear your truths Mark" Derek said. "I might need to hear them if they are about Derek and Meredith" Ameila said "well if it's about them the truth away" Cristina said. "What did you guys even do out there?" Mark asked "what we did out there is none of your business" Meredith said.

"Oh come on just tell us" Izzie said "you wouldn't want to know Stevens" Derek said shaking his head. "You guys are scared to tell us the worst you could of possibly done is make out" Cristina said "you might need to re-think the worst we could is make out" Derek said getting an elbow from Meredith. "I'm just saying my truths" he said. "They don't need to hear your truths either" said hitting him playfully. "Well maybe not I'm getting too comfortable here with them I'm going to bed" Derek said then kissed the top of Meredith's head. "Okay good night" Meredith said and he went upstairs.

"What?" Meredith asked realizing everyone is staring at her. "Did you guys know Meredith Grey had never acted like this before I mean look at her she's smiling a bit too much and she get flustered at every sight if him and for god sakes she's wearing his clothes" Cristina said amused "yeah Mer you have never been like this over someone this the whole time I met you, you're Meredith Grey the girl with the over protective mom with her teacher oh my I wonder what Ellis will think" Izzie said giggling at the last part. "She's not going to find out and nobody is going to tell her" Meredith said looking at everyone "don't worry Grey secret safe with me as long as Derek stays happy I don't have to hear about his sad pathetic teacher life" Mark said putting his hands up. "Good" Meredith said then they all hung out downstairs talking and having a good time.

After awhile Mark realized something he is alone with teenagers and having a pretty good time too he never thought this would happen. Then Mrs. Shepherd walked in "I'm going to go to bed you kids should too" she said "I'm not a kid!" Mark said "I'm a grown man" he said offended "but yet your hanging out with teenage girls" Mrs. Shepherd said walking over to them all. "That's because Derek left me to go to sleep and I wasn't tired so what else was supposed to do" he whined "Mark Sloan the manwhore gossiping with the teenage girls who would've thought" They all turned to see Derek "Derek why are you up we thought you went to bed" Meredith said "oh well I was trying too but I had too much on my mind" he winked at her. "Anyways I was just saying you guys should head to sleep soon it's already 12:45" Carolyn said then she took another look at Meredith "are you wearing Derek's clothes?" She asked "oh uhm yeah I uhm forgot mine at home and Amy's didn't fit" she said making up an excuse "hm okay the good night girls and 'men'" she said putting her fingers in quotations.

"So Derek what's keeping you up?" Amelia asked "my thoughts" he smiled
"and those thoughts are.." Mark said wanting an answer "not for you" Derek said. "Then who are they for?" Amelia asked "me who else" he said. "Anyone else but but yourself" Mark said "nope I'm not sharing my thoughts with you people especially Stevens and Yang" He said
"what about Grey" Mark said
"Grey? Oh she's the one person I would share my thoughts with" he said and winked at her "anyways do we have any apples?" He asked "yeah in the fridge" Amelia said "great" he said walking into the kitchen.

"Anybody want anything" he said coming out of the kitchen with his apple. "I think we're good Shep" Mark said "mhm okay I'm actually going to sleep now..I hope" he said going back upstairs. "Well I'm gonna head to bed too" Mark said. "Well we should probably go to bed since Mark is in Nancy's old room Cristina you get Kath's old room I'll show you where that is in a sec Izzie you get Liz's room and Meredith we're out of rooms guess you can bunk with Derek you know where his room is right?" Amelia said. Having Cristina and Izzie follow her upstairs leaving Meredith standing there stunned.

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