Chapter 50

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Derek Shepherd

I was in the middle of a lesson when my classroom door opened. "Miss me Mr. Shepherd?" I hear Daisy the kid who is obsessed with me.

"Daisy can't you see I'm in a middle of a lesson and you're graduated why are you here?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I can't come visit my favorite teacher?" She asks fluttering her eyes.

"No you can't especially when I already told you I'm not interested" I say turning back to the board.

"You'll be interested if I threaten a students life" I hear and turn around to see her holding a knife to Amelia's neck this bitch is really psychotic.

"Okay how about we put the knife away" I say calmly.

She puts down the knife and I have my students all go into the corner behind me.

"You could've been with me" she says softly playing with the knife in her hands.

"You really don't need to use your knife Daisy" I say.

"Oh yeah I think I do since I heard you have a fear of them" she says.

"I've been stabbed once before Daisy how would I not" I say.

"Der-" I hear Amelia whisper.

"Now is not the time Amy" I say.

"She just wanted your love Derek" Daisy says.

"You people have a weird way of showing love" I say.

"Love makes you do crazy things" she says walking closer.

"Yeah I don't think that means stab your husband and in this case your crush" I say as she takes the knife and puts it against my neck and starts to un button my shirt.

I hear the students start to move but I put my hand out telling them not to move. She finishes the last button and trails the knife down my naked chest then abdomen.

"Hm what do we have here" she says un buttoning my pants. I hate that I can't do anything. I hate that if I move she'll stab me. If she stabs me there is a chance I could die. And if I die I would never see Meredith again never hold her kiss her tell her how much I love her. I would never get to marry her or have a beautiful baby that she wants so badly so I can do is not move I've been stabbed before and trust me it's no fun.

"Is it as the rumors say?" She asks with a laugh as she un-zips my pants.

"Daisy-" I start.

"Shut up" she says putting more pressure with the knife.

She leaves my pants on thank God but she grabs my boxers and takes a look. "Oh it is true" she says before letting go my boxers snapping back to my body.

"Why would Meredith lie about her first time" I say trying to lighten the mood but that made her mad and she pushed the knife into my making my groan in pain.

Then I felt it again in another place I heard some yelling and screaming before I fell and hit my head which hurt by the way and the next thing I knew I was slowly waking up in a hospital bed.


So I have decided to make this book 60 chapters with an epilogue and I'm going to try to finish it because I have another story idea but am refusing to publish it until I finish one of my stories.

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