Chapter 53

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Meredith Grey

One month later

"One more month and we'll be married" I say.

"One more month" he smiles kissing my head.

"But today it's Christmas" my mom says tapping my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah" I sigh.

"Uncle Der, Aunt Mer!" Eight year old Lilly shouts.

"Yes Lilly?" Derek asks.

"You two are under the mistletoe, which means you two have to kiss" she says grinning.

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Yep" She nods.

"Well?" Derek asks turning to me.

"We have to give her what she wants" I say turning to him.

"Yes we do" he says holding my hips  as I wrap my arms around his neck. He uses one hand on my hip and cups my cheek with the other.

We slowly connect our lips in a soft but passionate kiss. "Hey you two-" we hear a voice start.

"No Mom mistletoe" Lilly says making her mother quiet down.

Derek and I laugh as we pull away. "You guys are the same Meredith and Derek from almost five years ago" Delaney says.

"Still young in love" Melanie laughs batting her eyes.

"Where's your boyfriend?" I ask Melanie.

"He's talking to- hey this is about you two not Daniel and I" she says.

"That's why I'm not in a relationship" Delaney smiles.

"And the fact that you're not in a relationship makes you a third wheel" Lucas says walking in the room with his girlfriend Layla.

"Layla was my friend before she became your girlfriend" Delaney rolls her eyes.

"Delaney doesn't need a boyfriend" Matthew says.

"Dad" she groans.

"Delaney has this crush on this one guy" Melanie says.

"Please don't tell me this is another Derek and Meredith situation" Lucas says.

"I- it's not!" Delaney says.

"Hey what's wrong with us" I frown.

"It's just the teacher student relationship" Lucas says.

"That's just, wow" I say.

"We love you guys like everyone wants to be the next Meredith and Derek" Delaney says.

"That's what I thought" I say.

"Just who is this guy?" Lucas asks.

"Just a guy" she shrugs.

"Hmm" he hums.

"Lucas he's just a guy, drop it okay?" She says.

"Fine" he groans.

"What did I miss?" Daniel asks standing next me.

"Daniel!" Lilly laughs.

"What?" He asks confused as the rest of us.

"You're under the mistletoe next to Meredith" she says covering her mouth.

"Uhm, no" Derek says grabbing Melanie and standing her next to Daniel. "Now Melanie is next to Daniel which means they have to kiss" he says proud of himself.

I roll my eyes and hit his chest. "Idiot" I mumble.

"I'm not an idiot" he says dramatically putting a hand on his chest.

"Yes you are" I say.

"I'm your idiot" he whispers wrapping his arms around me from behind kissing my neck.

"You are" I say softly as Daniel and Melanie kiss.

"This isn't a college party will you people stop kissing" Kathleen says.

"No" Derek and I say at the same time.

"You two are teenagers trapped in adult bodies" she groans.

"We are aren't we I mean look at us hanging out with seventeen and eighteen year olds" he chuckles.

"You're used to hanging out with teenagers" I giggle.

"I am" he sighs.

"Cristina is here!" Mark yells out.

"Move it idiot" we hear her say.

"Ouch" he says following her.

"Sorry did I bruise your ego?" She asks.

"No" he scoffs.

"Good you lost it when you made Lexie think you were proposing" she says.

"I dropped the necklace and it was in a small box" he pouts.

"Yeah well he actually proposed a month after that happened" Lexie says.

"Because all of us made him" Derek mumbles.

"Can we have one gathering where we don't bring that up" Mark groans.

"No" everyone says.

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah well time for dinner" Carolyn says and we all have a good time talking and eating for the rest of the night.


Ahh getting closer and closer to the end


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