Chapter 54

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Derek Shepherd

"Tomorrow Derek we are getting married tomorrow" Meredith smiles.

"We are" I smile.

"And tonight you guys will be in separate beds" Liz says.

"Do we really have to" Meredith pouts.

"Yes you really have too" Kathleen frowns at us.

"They wanted pre wedding sex" Amelia says.

"So what if we did?" I roll my eyes.

"Nope" Kathleen shakes her head.

"Oh come on we both know Liz and Aaron did" I frown.

"Guess what, you guys aren't Liz and Aaron" Amelia says.

"Does it bring you joy to make our lives hell?" Meredith frowns.

"Yes, plus you said it yourself you'll be married tomorrow" Liz says.

"Yeah but-" she starts.

"Yeah buts live in the woods" Nancy says.

"You know I can't wait for our honeymoon" I say.

"Neither can I" Meredith agrees.

"Just you and me alone" I say.

"All by ourselves" she smiles.

"Nobody to bother us" I go on.

"Unlimited sex" she says louder hoping my sisters hear.

"In hopes for a baby" I whisper into her ear.

"Baby?" We hear two excited voices.

"Uh" we both hum.

"Meredith are you pregnant?" Her mom asks.

"I wish" she frowns touching her stomach.

I put my hand on hers. "We're trying" I say looking at our mothers.

"For a little Shepherd baby" my mom's eyes light up.

"For a little Shepherd baby" Meredith and I say at the same time.

"You are never going to see your child" Kathleen says.

"Derek I have a rule for you" Meredith says pointing a finger at me.

"And that is?" I ask wrapping my arms around her.

"You are not and I repeat not, call anybody about me giving birth until I have held and spent time with my baby" she says.

"Why wouldn't you get to hold the baby first" I frown.

"Just in case I get an emergency C-section or something" she shrugs.

"Well hopefully that doesn't happen" I say.

"I'm just saying, one rule" she says.

"Understood" I nod.

"Good" she smiles laying her head on my chest.

"So what I got from all of that you two are going to have hot dirty sex all of your honeymoon and hopefully get married?" Kathleen says.

"Uh, yes" I say.

"How dirty?" Liz asks.

Meredith and I look at each other before we look back at Liz. "Pretty dirty, I mean like very porny hot sex" we both say mixing up our words trying to explain.

"Could you just shut up?" Amelia asks.

"No we're listening" Melanie says.

"Hey no" Nancy says.

"So Meredith, Derek have any favorite positions?" Lucas asks.

We look at each other and laugh to ourselves. "Of course we do why don't we go into the other room we'll share" I smile.

"No, you won't" Nancy says.

"Why not Nance they're almost adults why not share" I smirk.

"Fine share all your secrets with my children" she says.

"Gladly" Meredith and I say at the same time.

"I swear if any of you guys get Layla pregnant or Melanie pregnant" I say to Daniel and Lucas.

"We're careful Derek" Melanie says to me.

"Better be" Meredith says.

"Well might as well get straight to the point" Lucas says sitting back.

"Does this not feel weird?" I ask.

"Nope we need details" Melanie says.

"But like I'm your uncle" I say.

"Yeah you don't have to remind me" She frowns.

"What's your favorite thing to do?" Lucas asks.

"No no I can't do this" Meredith laughs.

"How about you ask us when we have enough drinks tomorrow night" I chuckle.

"Will do" they say.

"Well ready to go home?" I ask Meredith.

"Yes I'm very tired" she says laying her head on my chest.

"You two are funny" We hear.

"Please can we sleep together" We beg.

"Nope Meredith is staying here and you are going home" Kathleen says.

"Fine" I groan.

"Go on" Liz says.

"Goodnight" I say to Meredith.

"Goodnight" she says before I kiss her softly.

"I love you" I smile.

"I love you too" she smiles before I leave.


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