Chapter 45

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Meredith Grey

One month. I have been in college for one month and not one day has gone by where I don't think about Derek. We call eachother everyday. Usually long distance doesn't work for people. It's working for me of course I would much rather be with him but I can't and the long distance thing is working. We tell eachother about our days and sometimes we even have phone sex...okay most of the time.

I was right when I said Cristina would drag me to every party well I only agreed to Friday night parties. I have been doing really well in school straight A's and no I'm not some try hard nerd or something it just comes naturally like surgery for a surgeon in other words my mother. I haven't met anyone new but that's okay because I don't want to. The bubble I have with Cristina consists of just us we agreed we don't need any other friends besides Izzie, George, and Alex and we are both fine with it.

Cristina and I sleep on Sundays and Mondays, study on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, party on Fridays, and do whatever on Saturdays and it has been working well. I make sure that I call Derek every morning and night. Everything is going great and hopefully it will keep going great. Sadly Halloween isn't enough of a holiday to get off so I won't get to see all the kids in their costumes like I usually do but next month I get a week off of school so Cristina and I will be flying back to Seattle. I have a calendar and I circled all the days I get to leave for Seattle throughout the school year and it's three times and Derek said he'll visit so fingers crossed  it will be sometime soon because Cristina is driving me crazy here with her whining everytime I don't wanna go out.

Now it's Friday so that means I have to go to get another party usually I would love to party okay I take that back I wouldn't love to party but there wouldn't be any harm in going out but now it feels like a chore. "You should ask Derek for a guilt free pass" Cristina says as I'm getting ready.

"Guilt free pass? What are we in the naked mile" I chuckle.

"Hm I need to see if this school does anything like that" she says.

"You do that" I roll my eyes.

"No seriously though you need a good fuck that vibrator ain't going to cut it" she says.

"I will too because when I use it I'm on a call with Derek" I say.

"Yeah about that phone sex.." she trails off.

"It's hot and you know it" I say pointing my finger at her.

"Okay you're right he is like some sort of sex god in all ways possible" she says.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I say.

"So that's a no on asking for a guilt free pass?" She asks.

"Yes that's a no" I say.

"Oh look at that he's calling right now I'll ask for you" she says grabbing my phone before I can.

"Cristina you bitch!" I laugh as she walks away and starts talking to him.

She puts it on speaker so I can hear the conversation as I curl my hair.

"Yeah a guilt free pass" Cristina says.

"No she can't have a guilt free pass Cristina"

"Well you aren't here and all she uses is her sad purple vibrator"

"That's okay she likes purple I mean her favorite color is lavender but she likes purple"  he says and my heart melts.

"Okay well my point is she needs actual dick so if that means you come here or she gets a guilt free pass I'll make sure she gets the memo" she says.

"Meredith I know you're listening what do you think about a guilt free pass?"

"I think that Cristina is talking put of her ass" I giggle.

"See she doesn't even want a guilt free pass so why would I give her one?"

"Oh fine so when will you get here?"

"I have to teach Cristina remember"

"Okay get a substitute" she rolls her eyes even though he can't see them.

"It doesn't work that way I can't just take off to see my girlfriend even if I want to"

"If you love her you would show up"

"Cristina you're a bitch you know that?"

"Hey your girlfriend called me the exact same thing"

"Because it's true"

"Oh that just puts a hole in my heart" she says sarcastically.

"All I want is to speak to my girlfriend" I hear him sigh and I can just imagine him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine Meredith he's whining" she says putting the phone on the countertop.

"Hey love" I smile.

"Finally Cristina was driving me crazy"

"I can imagine"

"I was just going to tell you to have fun tonight, but now that Cristina brought it up I don't think I like the idea of guilt free passes"

"Neither do I, I told her I was fine with my vibrator and phone sex" I giggle.

"Good well I have to get going, but I love you"

"I love you too"

"I'll talk to you later bye"

"Bye" I say and the line goes dead.

"Boring" Cristina yawns.

"Whatever let's just go" I laugh and we go to the party.


Okay so I had this sudden urge to finish this story so expect more updates


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