Chapter 37

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"Come on Shepherd don't be lame" Cristina rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm not being lame Cristina" I groaned tightening my grip on Meredith.

"Derek, let me go" Meredith laughed in my grip.

"No the beach has creeps" I cringed.

"Then come with us" she said still trying to get out of my grip.

"No" I say.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because everytime I go women always feel the need to flirt with me, it's so annoying" I groan.

"Oh, yeah don't come with us then" she said.

"No I'm going with you" I said not because I want to but I wasn't joking when I said that there are creeps.

"Why?" She asks confused.

"We don't need men hitting my fiance" I tell her.

"Okay you're right" she sighs.

"Good girl" I whisper into her ear. I felt her tense and I just chuckled.
"Beach then?" I ask.

"Yep come on losers" Cristina said.

"Let us get on our bathing suits first" Meredith rolled her eyes.

"Well hurry up" Cristina groaned.

Meredith came out in a all white swimsuit and she looked beautiful my breath hitched.

"Stop drooling Mcdreamy put on your trunks" Cristina said throwing my suit at me.

I put on a white shirt and a pair of black swim trunks with blue ferry boats all over.

"Ferry boats?" Cristina raised her eyebrow.

"I have a thing for ferry boats" at the same time I said that Meredith said.
"He has a thing for ferry boats" I smiled.

"Let's go the dorks are all waiting for me in the car" she said leaving and we were right behind her not without packing a beach bag of course.

Meredith and I took my car while Izzie, Cristina, Alex, and George took Izzie's car. Once we arrived Meredith got out as fast as a little kid.

She grabbed her towel and hat. She layed it down on the sand and laid down. Me on the other hand had everything else to carry. I set our things by Meredith and sat down by her.

"You need sunscreen, you have very fair skin" I told her.

She groaned but sat up. "Can you put it on for me?" She asks sweetly.

I chuckled but agreed. I grabbed the tube of sunscreen and squirted it onto my hand. I began massaging it all over her body.

"There done" I said after a bit.

"Thanks I love you" she said kissing my lips.

"I love you too" I chuckled looking as she laid back down onto her towel.

"Meredith you gonna swim?" Izzie asked.

"Sure, want to join us?" Meredith asked me.

"No, I think I'll just stay here" I smiled.

"Okay I'll be back" she said kissing my cheek before she went with Izzie.

I was reading a book when I look up to see Daisy. "Mr. Shepherd" she smiles.

"Daisy.." I say with less enthusiasm.

"It's surprising to see you here where's you fiance?" She asks pretending to look around and I roll my eyes.

"Well Miss Brown this is a public beach and if you must know Meredith is swimming with her friends" I raise my eyebrow pulling my reading glasses down.

"Hm, well I don't see her" she says in a bratty voice.

"Hm, well then look closer" Meredith said from behind her.

"Oh Meredith" she laughs.

"Daisy" she rolls her eyes.

"Miss Brown, I think you and your skimpy bathing suit should leave" I say in a irritated tone.

"Of you noticed" she smiles when Meredith cuts in.

"How ugly you look of course he noticed every did" Meredith scoffed.

Daisy looked at me and I shooed her with my hands. She scoffed and stomped away.

"Are you seriously reading The outsiders?" She asked me.

"Yes, one of my favorites since junior high" I tell her softly closing my book.

"Hm I like the book too just didn't think you would read it" she shrugged.

"I just finished Moby Dick and this was the second book I packed" I said as she sat next to me in the sand.

"I like eroticas" she whispered into my ear.

"So like Fifty Shades of Grey?" I ask.

"Among others" she smiled.

"Interesting" I smile at her.

"Meredith you coming back?" Alex asked her.

"Yeah, are you good here?" She asks for the second time today.

"Go have fun, love" I smile and goes back to the water and I put my reading glasses back on.

I was reading for awhile when I looked up and Meredith was walking towards me with Cristina. "Hey Shep" Cristina says sitting next to me.

"Cristina" I nod and continue to read my book.

"Whatcha readin?" She asked annoyingly.

"Did you want something Cristina?" I asked softly closing my book.

"I think Meredith should go out with us tonight" She said.

"Meredith is an adult she doesn't need my permission" I said.

"I know that, she told me no because she wanted to be with you" she said glaring at Meredith who just giggled.

"Hm, guess fiance trumps bestfriend must suck" I smile at her.

"Tomorrow we are going to Carolyn's for the night so is the rest of the family and I don't want to be hung over" Meredith laughs and Cristina.

"Fine, but just so you know your a bitch" Cristina tells her still sitting next to me while I pick my book back up.

Meredith and Cristina are arguing but I block them out and continue to read.

"Cristina I said we can go out soon just not tonight or tomorrow" Meredith laughed.

"Fine" Cristina groaned.

I close my book and smile "I think the beach day is over" I chuckled.

"Yeah, see you soon Cristina" Meredith said.

"Yeah, yeah" Cristina said.

"Bye Yang" I smile.

"Bye Shep" she says.

Meredith and I went home to pack for tomorrow at my mother's.


How we feeling about this story so many chapters in I wanna make Mer pregnant, but I'm holding out.

This kid added me on snap and he was so fucking weird, ugly too not to be rude but he was being creepy so...

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