Chapter 39

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I walk into the bar and see my friends sitting in a booth in the back

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I walk into the bar and see my friends sitting in a booth in the back. I walk over to them and sit next to Izzie across from Cristina. "Where's Mcdreamy Teacher at this time?" Cristina asked.

"He's at Mark's" I said taking one of her fries.

"Get your own" she says and I roll my eyes while she calls Joe over.

"Can I have some cheese curds?" I ask.

"Coming right up, drink?" he asks.

"Get her tequila" Cristina says.

"Be right back" he nods.

"I don't want to get to drunk tonight" I said.

"Fine have atleast three shots" Cristina says.

"I can do three but that's the limit" I say and she nods.

Once my food and shots get there I try to eat a cheese curd but it's too hot so I spit it out. "Mer, seriously" Alex says.

"It was hot" I pout downing on of my shots.

"That's what you think of Derek and I don't think you spit him out" Cristina says and I laugh.

"You guys are so weird" George says.

"Do you have a problem with us?" Cristina says drunkenly.

"Well no-" he started but Cristina cut him off.

"Then shut it Bambi" she says holding a astic fork to his chest.

"Bettee listen to her Bambi" Alex says.

"Oh will you shut it Evil Spawn this isn't your fight" Cristina snaps.

"Uh this isn't a fight at all" George intervenes.

Izzie and I are just drinking Sherlie Temples mixed with Dissorano and watching this while thing.
(I love sherlie temples but never had in it dissorano it is alchohol but my mom drinks it)

"Izzie help me" George mouthed to her and she shook her head no, not wanting to get in the middle of that.

He groaned and rolled his eyes. Cristina eventually left George alone and took another shot. I on the other hand stopped drinking and started to eat and have water to sober up.

"Come on Meredith don't be a light weight" Alex said.

"I have to drive to Mark's house soon so let me be a light weight" I giggled eating cheese curds.

"Whatever" he grumbled taking a swig of his beer. He looks around the bar before saying "I'll be right back."

He left and it was just four of us a drunk Cristina, a George scared to talk, and Izzie was talking to Joe.

Alex came back with unpleased look on his face. "Turn you down?" I ask.

"I already did her and forgot about it" he says.

"Evil Spawn you slept with a girl and forgot about!" Cristina laughed at him.

"Shut it Yang" he snapped.

She rolled her eyes and turned to me "Meredith can you bring me to my mother's house?" She asked.

"Yeah sure let's go" I say standing up.


I drop Cristina off and head to Mark's place.

I open the door and see them watching baseball. "It's going it's going" Mark said sitting at the edge of the couch with a beer in his hand.

"Out if the park, home run!" Derek laughed.

I smiled softly before walking behind the couch neither of them noticing.
Derek leans back on the couch

I put my hands on his shoulders and rubbed his shoulders back and fourth.
"Meredith?" He asked looking up at me.

I smiled. "Yes?" I ask kissing his lips softly.

"Did you have fun?" He asks.

"Yeah" I nod.

"That's good" he says softly.

"Yeah" I giggle with a yawn.

"Want to go home?" He asks.

"Mhm" I nod with watery eyes from the yawn.

"Okay let's go home, Mark tell me who wins" he says getting up and walking over to me.

"Yep, I'll text you" Mark says still watching the game.

"Ready?" He asks rubbing my shoulders from behind me.

"Yeah" I smile leaning into him.

"Okay let's go" he says grabbing my hand and we drive separately home.


Once we got home we got ready for bed and now we are laying in bed. I'm in his arms my head on his chest.

"What did you do?" He asks.

"Talked, ate, drank, most of it was Cristina threatening George and Alex though" I laugh.

"I'm suprised your not drunk" he chuckled I could feel the rumble on his chest.

"Maybe next time" I smiled.

"Maybe next time" he mirrored me.

I yawned again. "Goodnight Meredith" he said softly.

"Goodnight love you" I said softly.

"I love you too" he said and then I drifted off to sleep for the night..
But I did wake him up a few times for sex because i was a little bit horny.


It's short so sorry for that but here you go!

I only have about 10 days left of school so I will update more during summer break when I'm not camping or working with my show animals.

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