Chapter 10

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It has been two months since Derek and Meredith have been seeing eachother and about two months since Lexie and Mark have been seeing eachother.

"So Mark your bringing Lexie over for us to meet on Thanksgiving?" Mrs. Shepherd asked.

"Yeah she said she would be excited to meet you guys" Mark said smiling at the thought of her.

"Hey Derek when are you going to bring a girl home?" Ellis asked him curiously but also humorously.

" know what I'm not quite sure Ellis" Derek said after a bit of hesitation.

"Yeah who would want to date a math teacher anyway" Amelia teased making Meredith wince a little.

"I can think of a person or two.." Mark mumbled hoping that Derek, Meredith and Ameila heard it bit not Carolyn or Ellis.

"What was that Mark?" Mrs. Shepherd

"Huh?..I didn't say anything" Mark said quickly.

"You did Carolyn, Marcus Sloan is hinting at something" Ellis said excitedly she always thought of Carolyn's children of her own and Mark Sloan was one of her children maybe not by blood but he was basically Carolyn's son.

"Are you sure mom because I didn't hear Mark say anything" Meredith said trying very hard not to get up and attack him.

"Yes Meredith I'm very sure I might be aging but I'm not going deaf" Ellis said laughing a bit.

"Ofcourse your not going deaf mom" Meredith agreed giggling a bit.

"Ellis what did Mark say?" Carolyn asked very curiously.

"Well when Amelia said who would want to date a math teach Mark said that he could think of a person or two" Ellis said excitedly.

"So Derek have you been lying to us about your single status" Amelia said giggling.

"I.." Derek started before Mark cut him off.

"That's not quite what I  ment, I ment something like one night stands it's not like they care if he's a math teacher or not hell those women don't even care for his name"

"Mark just when we thought you stopped having one night stands" Amelia said in a teasing tone.

"I don't have one night stands just  because I have a girlfriend doesn't mean I can't talk about Shepherd's sex life" Mark defended himself.

"I don't think you should be talking about my sex life in the first also for your information I don't have one night stands" Derek  said.

"Fine we'll just talk about Grey's sex life then" he shrugged making Meredith choke on her food and Ellis stare at Meredith.

"I don't think we should talk about my sex life that by the way does not exist" Meredith said giving him the death stare.

"Really you haven't had sex yet!" Mark exclaimed.

"That's correct and may I remind you I have nobody to have sex with in the first place" she said through a clenched jaw.

"Wow I just thought you have had it" he shrugged again.

"Oh well you thought wrong can we talk about something else please" she really did not want to be in that room right now she could feel her mother staring at her.

"Mom I assure you I have no sex life" Meredith said after awhile of feel her mother's glare.

"You know I don't care if you do your 18 almost 19 just if you do decide to have it keep it out of my house" Ellis said.

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