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Seven years later...

"Meredith, you have to let her go like Evelyn" Derek says softly.

"Why can't she stay home with us look at her" Meredith pouts holding her other daughter Scarlett close.

"Because she's four and needs to be in school" he says.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you take Evelyn in on her first day those tragic two years ago" she says pointing a finger at him.

"Meredith Logan still has two more years before you take him to school" Derek says.

"Fine" she groans. "Okay Scar be a good girl" she says kissing her forehead.

"Okay Mommy" Scarlett says in her small high pitched voice.

"Sorry" Derek says to the teacher.

"It's okay" she smiles softly.

"Ready?" Meredith asks.

"Yeah, bye baby" he smiles kissing his daughters head.

Meredith and Derek leave the school straight to Carolyn's house. "We're back to pick up our little devil" Derek chuckles as he walks into the house.

"He's an angel" Carolyn laughs as Meredith takes their three year old Logan into her arms.

"Awe my baby Logan" she coos jokingly.

"No Ma I big boy" he says trying to get out of Meredith's grip.

"Oh no you're my little baby" Meredith says holding him close.

"Da hewp" he giggles.

"Nope nobody can help you now you're stuck with mommy" She says kissing his face.

"No Ma" he shakes his head.

"Yes" she smiles.

"Put down" he says sternly.


"Da, gram hewp" he says.

"I'll help you bud" Derek says taking him from Meredith.

"Tank da" he sighs while brushing his hair out of his face.

"You're welcome bud" Derek chuckles as Logan lays his head on his shoulder.

"Ready to go?" Meredith asks Logan.

"Yup" he nods tiredly.

"Thank you for watching him Carolyn" Meredith smiles.

"Anything to get your kids" she laughs.

"Thanks Ma" Derek smiles before they leave to their house.

They get home and play with Mr. Logan Christopher Shepherd until his sisters get home.

Mark and Lexie like to pick Evelyn up and they also offered to pick up Scarlett. Mark and Lexie got married three years ago and they have been trying for a baby but it's hard for Lexie to get pregnant but they have a chance.

"Mom, Dad!" They hear and the door swings open two see their two girls with big smiles.

"Hey girlies" Derek says as the run over too them.

"Thanks Mark and Lexie" Meredith smiles.

"No, problem sorry we can't stay long" Mark says.

"It's okay" Derek's says.

They leave and Evelyn and Scarlet tell them all about their day. Scarlett shared first then Evelyn and while she was sharing Scarlett decided that she wanted some cookies.

Meredith looks up to see her four year old on the counter she quietly gets up as Evelyn continues to talk to Derek. She stand behind her just so she doesn't fall.

She leans in to whisper in her ear. "What do you think you're doing Scarlett Carolyn" she whispers making Scarlett jump.

"Cookie" she says. Scarlett doesn't like talking so she keeps it to a minimum but Evelyn could go on and on.

"Okay let's get you a cookie" Meredith says grabbing three cookies.

"One for you and some for you siblings" She smiles kissing her cheek and helping her off the counter.

"Thank you" she says taking a bite.

"No problem Bug, just ask next time" Meredith says swirling her pony tail with her finger.

"Tanks Ma" Logan smiles.

"Thank you" Evelyn smiles widely.

"You're welcome bud" Meredith kisses Logan's head.

"You too monkey" she kisses Evelyn's head.

"Can I have a kiss?" Derek asks.

"Of course" Meredith smiles kissing kiss lips softly but long.

"Thank you" he chuckles.

"Oh yes anytime" she smiles and he pulls her onto his lap and they spend the rest of their day hanging out with their kids.

Ahh that was the end of the book thank you all for readinggg


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