Chapter 12

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Today was Thanksgiving the Shepherd house was crawling with children and adults people everywhere Carolyn, and kitchen with the exception with Mark and Derek to bring the food out when it's ready.

Nancy (40) was here with her husband Matthew (41) and her kids Lucas (13), Delaney (13), Sophie (8), Elijah (6), and Beatrice (2), Lucas and Delaney are twins if you hadn't noticed.

Liz (37) with her husband Aaron (39)
Her 4 kids Melanie (13), Carrie (9), Elliot (6), and Oliver (4).

Kathleen (32) with her husband William (34) and her kids Lillian (4), Vivian (2) and is 6 months pregnant with a little boy they are going to name Evan.

Then ofcourse there is Ameila.

Meredith and Derek bit only Mark and Amelia know they are together.

Then we have Mark and Lexie.

And the lovely mothers Carolyn and Ellis.

"Do not fear we have arrived" Derek said walking in with Mark and Lexie the kids were all playing outside except for the toddlers so all the adults in the living room plus Ameila because technically she isn't a adult all looked over to them.

"Have you guys seen Meredith outside because she left to go get something like an hour ago and she still isn't back" Ameila asked them.

"What? Uhm no we haven't I mean I could look for her" Derek said.

"You are in no need hence Meredith has arrived and i couldn't find what i was looking for anyway" she said coming up and patting him on the back.

"What were you looking for?" He asked her.

"Haha I'm not telling everyone here plus I really wasn't looking for anything I just changed my clothes" she shrugged.

"You left for an hour to change?" He asked

"Wouldn't you like to know why it took me so long" she giggled.

"I do actually here whisper it here in my ear" he said bending down a little.

"Well first I took a nice warm shower then after that I walked around in my towel for a while looking for what color bra and panties I wanted to wear since you have managed to rip five pairs of panties in two days I had to find matching colors and it was hard so you owe me new panties anyways then I put on my indigo set on then I walked around in that looking for a good outfit to wear then I did my hair and applied some light makeup and out the door I was" she whispered her whole routine in his ear.

Derek should not get that image of her out of his head but he put it a side so the didn't looking suspicious which they all ready were so he just sat up and nodding saying mhm.

He watched her walk back to the couch focusing on how her hips swayed how those jeans she was wearing fit her just right.

"Stop drooling over Grey" Mark whispered in his ear.

"Mm-" Derek murmured being took out of his trance.

"That's what I thought come one I have to introduce people to Lexie" Mark said patting his back.

"Oh yeah right yeah let's go" he said moving himself into the living room with everyone else he sat down next to Meredith.

Mark was introducing everyone to Lexie when Carolyn and Ellis came into the living area they began asking her questions like how many sexual partners has she had and since she is just almost 18 she most definitely didn't have much at all.

Then they asked for her parents names and she gave them and answer "Susan and Thatcher Grey" she told them making them and Meredith gasp.

"What happened?" Derek whispered in her ear.

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