Chapter 8

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Meredith stirred in her sleep while Derek woke up a couple minutes ago and now is watching her. Meredith stopped stirring and her eyes fluttered open "good morning sleepy head" Derek said gently "mhmm morning" she said sleepily. "We better get up" he said pressing a kiss to her forehead "yeah probably but I don't want too" she smiled at him. "Neither do I" he said rubbing her cheek with his thumb. They were about to kiss when the door swung open "get up love birds before ma comes in" Mark said with a grin "Markie get out" Meredith laughed "fine just because you asked Grey" he chuckled and left.

"Well Mark knows how to ruin a mood" Derek complained "stop complaining and get your ass up" Meredith giggled "that's mean" Derek pouted "and stop pouting" she hit him with her pillow "hey stop hitting me" he said and pulled her back on to the bed with him "let me go we have to go downstairs" she laughed "well you were being mean" he said kissing her neck "come on Derek we're gonna get caught" she said still laughing "fine but you owe me an apology" he said "fine" she said turned over and gave him a long passionate kiss "I'm sorry please forgive me" she said "okay your forgiven"  he chuckled "good now we have to get up" she told him "fine you go downstairs I'll be down shortly" he said letting her go "okay" she said giving him a quick kiss before getting up and leaving.

"Morning Meredith" Mrs. Shepherd said "morning Carolyn" she said smiling "Good morning Meredith" Ellis said making Meredith confused "uh morning mom?" Meredith said very confused "oh I came just a bit ago we will be staying for dinner again today" Ellis said "oh okay" Meredith said happily.

"Good morning ma" Derek said coming into the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek "you too Ellis" He added after noticing her. "Good morning Derek your in a good mood today" Carolyn said "oh yes very good" He said "not that I don't like you happy why are you happy?" She asked "I guess I just woke up great" he shrugged. "Well that's good" she smiled "yep I have to grade papers today so I will have to go back to my house for a bit today" he said "that's fine will you be back for dinner?" She asked "of course ma I probably won't see you until next weekend anyway so of course" he said smiling "oh Carolyn on Saturday are we still doing the party?" Ellis asked "what party?" Derek asked "oh it's Meredith's birthday on Saturday so we were thinking of throwing a suprise party for the heck of she might already be an adult she is turning 19 so it's just for the heck of because why not" Ellis said rambling a little like Meredith does "that's cool" he said "yeah will you be there the more the merrier" Ellis asked "I wouldn't miss it" he smiled "okay breakfast is ready" Carolyn said "Derek could you go round everyone up?" She asked "of course" he said and walked out of the room.

After breakfast everybody was hanging out in the family room including Ellis and Carolyn. "Hey Mark could you run into town later to get some things for dinner?" Mrs. Shepherd asked "of course ma just give me a list before I leave later" he said.

They were all having a good time talking well they could only talk about so many things considering Ellis and Carolyn are with them. Then out of the blue Carolyn asks "when are you two boys going to get girlfriends?" "Mom what makes you think that we need girlfriends and that was really random" Derek said "well I'm not sure maybe it's the fact that you are adults that could do anything right now but instead your in your mom's house with her best friend her kid and your little sister" she said.

"Okay well to answer your question Derek is a math nerd teacher so who knows when he will get a girl and me well I'm Mark Sloan who does one night stands and I'm living life. Also I think Shep has his eye on someone" Mark said.

"Derek you met a girl?" Carolyn asked curiously "oh yes Derek please tell us" Ameila said. "Nope I haven't well I have but it's complicated" Derek said. "Complicated how?" Carolyn asked "oh look at the time I have to go home I'll be home tonight for dinner bye" Derek said getting up and leaving the house.

"Well I should go get that stuff for you" Mark said also leaving. "Well that ends our conversation for the morning" Ellis said getting up. "I guess so" Carolyn agreed getting up and heading to the kitchen leaving the girls in there.

Well that was a short chapter bit its something uhm so yeah

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