Chapter 21

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A/N, I have no idea what the weather is like in Seattle so I'm just going to make it cold and snowy because I want to.


It was the middle of January and Derek's whole family including Ellis is coming over to the land Derek's land with one trailer. That didn't really matter though because mostly everyone has their own campers they can bring up to stay in well they usually use them in the summer for camping. But they are bringing them up in the winter because Derek and Mark had to make a ice skating rink for the kids and the adults. So in the middle of winter everyone is coming up for 4 days Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and leaving Monday evening school was off Friday and Monday so they had a perfect time to come up.
The only people who didn't have a camper were Carolyn but she would be staying with with Kathleen. Ellis, Derek and Meredith said she could sleep in the trailer. Mark and Lexie but they will be staying on Nancy's couch in hers. The Amelia but she is going to stay with Liz so everything worked out fine.

"This is going to be the longest four days of my life" Meredith groaned Thursday evening throwing herself on her and Derek's bed.

"It won't be that bad" Derek laughed rubbing her back.

"It will be terrible my mother will be sleeping in here for three nights!" Meredith exclaimed.

"True but it won't kill us" he shrugged.

"It will because of many things number one, I can't have sex. Number
two if we talk like we always do at night she'll yell at us to shut our mouths because she's trying to sleep. And number three I just don't want her to stay in here" she explained.

"Hm all very good points" he said kissing her neck.

"Yeah" she sighed.

"Guess we'll just have to have some sex now then" he said flipping her so she could see him.

"I guess so" she giggled as he lowered himself to give her a kiss.


The next morning Meredith woke up alone in bed. She looked around to see Derek in only pajama pants making pancakes. "Morning" he smiled at her.

"Morning" she giggled walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Hm, you're sexy in that" he said looking at her in only in his button up shirt and panties.

"Hm" she giggled spinning for him a little.

"Pancakes?" He asked offering a plate to her.

"Yes please" she giggled taking it and went to sit down.
"What time is everybody coming?" She asked.

"Uh about ten thirty" he said.

"What time is it now?" She asked.

Then somebody came running into the trailer. "Meredith, Uncle Derek!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Uhm looks like it's ten forty" Derek said.

"Elliot you can just run in here!" Liz said running to the trailer right behind him.

"Yep Meredith you should probably go change" Derek said.

"Good idea" she said getting up and hitting his chest.

"Oh god we're sorry" Liz said.

"You're fine I just really have to change" Meredith said grabbing clothes.

"Yeah you do that come on Elliot" Liz said leaving the trailer.

Derek burst out laughing. "Shut up!" Meredith giggled.

"You know I wish you didn't have to change" Derek said walking over to her and gave her a kiss.

"Me too" she murmured against his lips.

They heard a knock on the door.

"But I can't go answer the door while I change" she said tapping his butt.

"Fine" he groaned threw on a shirt pressed a quick kiss to her cheek and went to answer the door.

"Uncle Derek can I come on it's cold out here and dad is still setting up the camper" Melanie said shivering.

"Yeah come on in Mel" he said letting the girl inside.

"You look like you just woke up" she laughed sitting down at the table.

"I've been up for a while it's Meredith who just woke up she's getting dressed right now" he said.

"Yeah mom said don't come in for a while to give her a minute to change" Melanie shrugged.

"Okay..oh hey Melanie" Meredith said coming out of the bathroom.

"Hey Meredith" she said smiling.

"How are you today?"

"I'm good, you seem good too"

"Ye..yeah I am" Meredith nodded.

Then they heard a little knock at the door. Meredith went over and opened it and Lilly ran in. "Mer, Uncle Derbear!" She laughed running in.

"Hey Lil-bit" Meredith said picking the little girl up and started tickling her.

"M-Mer s-stop" she giggled.

"Fine" Meredith fake groaned and put her down.

"Awe don't be sad" Lilly frowned.
"I can make it up to you, you know what I can sleep in here with you and Uncle Derbear I'm a good snuggler" she said.

"Only the best" Derek chuckled picking her up.

"Yep!" Lilly exclaimed.

"When she came to New York to visit we snuggled a lot isn't that right Lil" he said looking at the little girl.

"Mhm" she hummed happily.

"Uncle Derek you would make a good dad" Melanie commented.

"Well kids love me I am very loveable" he said confidently.

"Cocky" Meredith murmured.

"Am not" he gasped.

"Yes you are" she giggled.

"No I'm not" he said.



"Whatever believe what you want" She giggled shaking her head.

"I believe that I'm just confident" he nodded.

"Mhm" she nodded not wanting to start anything on stupid things like this.

"Yeah we should probably get ready and go outside" he said.

"Yep how about you guys go outside and we'll be right out" Meredith said.

"Okay come on Lilly" Melanie said and went outside.

"Are you just trying to get me alone?" Derek chuckled softly walking towards her.

"Hm maybe" she hummed wrapping her arms around his waist.

He wrapped his arms around her upper back and took her in. "I love you Derek" she murmured into his chest.

"I love you too Meredith" he said softly into her hair.

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