Chapter 60

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Derek Shepherd

"Fuck, I'm scared" Meredith says tears forming in her eyes as she is in the hospital bed in labor as another contraction hits.

"Hey, I know I have no idea how it feels and I have no idea the pain you are experiencing, but think about it out sweet baby girl that we have created, the child you are bringing into the world, it's okay to be scared but the doctors need you to push she's going into distress, please Meredith" I beg her.

"Okay, can- can you be closer to me?" She asks I can't do this with just your hand" she cries.

I look at the doctors and the nod, anything to get this baby out. I have her sit up and I sit behind her playing with her hair as she lays her head back on my shoulder. I kiss her fire head and the doctor starts to talk.

"Okay Meredith on my count I want you to push, okay?" She says softly sitting infront of the bed.

"Okay Meredith push" she says and Meredith starts to push.

"Oh Meredith I see her head" I smile as I look through the mirror.

"Okay that was good" the doctor says.

"Really, does she have any hair?" She asks.

"Jet black" I laugh.

"Good, oh ouch" she sighs.

"Okay Meredith again please" the doctor says.

Meredith continues to push until they got her out. At first we don't hear her cry. "Is she okay?" Meredith asks worried.

"I'm sure she will be Meredith" I say trying not to worry myself but I can't not.

She start to her cries that fill the room. "Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asks.

"I would love to do it, but" I look down at the exhausted Meredith in my arms passed out already she was tired but refused to sleep until she heard our little girl crying.

I reluctantly fell asleep a few mins later. I woke up and Meredith was awake I moved from our uncomfortable position and picked out baby up for the first time. "Ready to try breastfeeding?" A nurse asks Meredith.

"Could we?" She asks.

"Yes of course" she smiles.

Once she has been feeding her for a little she gets full. "I love her so much Derek" she says.

"Me too" I smile looking at both of my girls.

"You can call our mothers, our mothers only for now you can tell others but only our mothers can come today because I'm tired" she says.

"Of course love" I smile kissing her head and going to call our mothers.


Once they showed up they couldn't stop holding her and loving up her which I can't really blame them.

"Oh she is so beautiful" Ellis says.

"Can we keep her?" My mom asks.

We both laugh, "no" I say shaking head.

"She is most definitely Derek's child" my mom says looking at her hair.

"Yes" Meredith laughs.

"So what's her name, or do you guys not have one quite yet it's okay if you don't now rush just a question" he mom rambles.

I look at each other than back at our daughter with her grandmas and I smile.

"Evelyn Ellis Shepherd" we say in unison.


I was basically asleep while writing this still am, sorry if there is typos, EPILOGUE IS NEXTT

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