Chapter 52

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Derek Shepherd

4 years later....

"Derek I have been out of college for almost a year now" she groans.

"Yeah and we are getting married in two months" I say.

"But that doesn't mean anything I can be pregnant on our wedding and honeymoon" she says.

"I want you to enjoy both of those things and I you get pregnant now you are going to be puking all the time and miserable" I say softly.

"Do you really think carrying our child would make me miserable?" She asks with a frown.

"No Meredith I just want you to happy and not feeling gross and sick" I say running my hands up and down her arms.

"Can we try to get pregnant on our honeymoon?" She asks with a smile.

"I think that's all we'll be doing" I smirk.

"Oh yeah?" She asks wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Definitely, just you and I in Paris alone no sisters, no mothers, no best friends" I say wrapping my arms around her waist.

"No interruptions" she smiles.

"For one whole week" I say.

"A full seven days" she says.

"Just you and I non stop sex a beautiful full honeymoon sweet next to Eiffel Tower" I say.

"Hm I love you" she says moving closer.

"I love you too" I say softly pushing my lips to hers.

"Hey love birds break it up your wedding is not done being planned" Amelia says walking into my old room in my mother's house.

"We have been planning it forever" I groan.

"Yet we still need a color theme, a DJ, and a venue for the reception" She says.

"Can we just have one minute alone" I beg.

"No get your horny asses downstairs" she rolls her eyes.

"I like Meredith's horny ass" I say slapping it.

"Downstairs!" Amelia yells and Meredith and I laugh.

"Somebody really needs to keep an eye on those two" Amelia groans.

"Nobody has to keep an eye one us" Meredith frowns.

"You guys sneak off every second you get" Ellis says.

"You can't blame us for escaping you people" I say.

"What's that supposed to mean Derek" Kathleen asks.

"It means that we have been coming here for months planning this wedding dresses, tux, oh no let's do this let's do that it's driving us insane" I groan.

"But we are very grateful because Derek and I would be lost without you guys" Meredith says grabbing my hand.

"I do have one request for our wedding" I say.

"Yes?" My mom asks.

"Can the cake be pre cut because like those are big knives and-" I start after I was stabbed by Daisy I had nightmares when Meredith left, then she had me go see a shrink and my mom and Amelia made sure I went. I stopped going a year ago but I still don't do knives I'm fine with like butter knives and steak knives if they are on the smaller side but giant knives give me panic attacks.

"Of course we'll to that Derek" Meredith says squeezing my hand.

"I'm just saying because usually the bride and groom cut the cake but the knife is just so big and I don't really think I could handle it" I say quietly.

"Derek, I will make sure it's pre cut" Meredith says taking my face in her hands.

"Okay" I nod.

"Okay" she smiles softly.

"Okay, now moving on from this depressing talk, color scheme?" Amelia says.

"Lavender and white with accents of indigo" Meredith says confidently because we decided on the a few nights ago while laying in our dream bedroom in our dream house on our wonderful land it was done being built one and a half years ago Meredith wasn't aloud on our land when she visited until it was finished and it was a huge surprise but she loved it.

"Okay, we'll have to book a DJ" she says.

"Okay" Meredith and nod.

"And now a venue" she says.

"I'm sure we can book one" Meredith nods.

"Okay then" she nods.

"Are we good now?" I ask.

"You wrote your vows?" She asks.


"Got party bus?"


"Brides maids and grooms men?"


"The rings?"


"You guys are going bar hoping correct?"

"Duh" Meredith rolls her eyes.

"Okay whatever run wild" she says throwing her hands up.

I smirk before grabbing Meredith hands and running upstairs with her. We go straight to my old room and I close the door sadly it doesn't lock. I push her on the bed and start kissing her.


Uh, so yeah that was a time jump...a four year time jump Derek is now 29 and Meredith is now 23


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