⚠️Chapter 11⚠️

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⚠️warning horrible smut ahead you have been warned!⚠️

It had been two weem since that awkward dinner bit ever since Derek has been craving Meredith even more just dreaming of doing things to her making her scream his name and making her moan having her breath raggedly. He couldn't stop think about it and he was going insane.

Meredith and Derek were watching a movie in Derek's trailer one Monday night a few days before Thanksgiving they got a whole week off so Meredith went out to be with him.

She couldn't stop thinking about having sex with him which is probably weird but she couldn't she never even had it before and she is craving it so she decided to ask him a about it tonight.

"What are you thinking about?" Derek murmured into her neck leaving light kisses on her he noticed her just staring blankly not really paying attention to the film.

"Can we have sex?" She blurted randomly which took him by surprise but he wasn't complaining.

"You want sex?" He asked her making sure he heard her correctly.

"That's what I asked for so yes" she nodded looking at him noticing his eyes grow darker.

"You really want it?" He asked he knew he did he just wanted her to be sure that's what she wanted.

"I really do" she nodded.

"Okay but just so you know if you want me to stop tell me, okay?" He said.

"Okay" she said nodding her head again.

"Okay" he breathed pulling her to his lap and kissed her deeply making her moan into his mouth.

He took off her baggy T-shirt she was wearing and then admired the beauty in front of him. Then he kissed her neck trailing down to her breasts her wrapped his hands around her back and unclipped her bra in a hurry to get it off.

"Mm your beautiful" he told her before kissing her deeply and passionately while needing her perky breasts making her whimper. He wrapped her legs around him and carried her over to the bed and laying her down so he could take in all of her.

He started kissing her neck leaving a couple hickeys he knows she will yell at him about later but it was worth it in this moment. He trailed down back to her breasts taking one simple into his mouth while needing the other with his hand he nipped at them making her let out small moans which just made him even more hard which he didn't know could happen because just looking at her made him hard well it depends on what she is doing.

He switched off giving each one the same amount of attention. His hands roamed her body rubbing up and down her shoulders, arms, and sides as he continued his trail of kisses along her abdomen. He stopped when he got to the top of her spandex looking up at her for permission to continue and she nodded her head in approval.

He slid her spandex down her legs and throwing them on the ground leaving her in black lacy panties. "God" he muttered taking in the breath taking scene infront of him before he took of the panties throwing them with the matching bra. Her breath hitched as he started kissing down her legs then back up to the inside of her thighs making her eager for him to put his mouth there.

She moved around to try to get him there but that wasn't working well.
"Patients my sweet innocent vixen patients.." he said in a huskie voice.  He took tongue and swiped the inside of her lips making her let out a gasp. "Mm you my vixen are very wet" he murmured kissing her thighs again.
"For you and you only" she breathed wanting his mouth back there.

"That's great to know vixen" he said before he put two fingers inside of her making her gasp out in suprise and pleasure. He sucked on her clit while pumping two of his fingers in and out in a slower motion "God...Derek...faster...god" she moaned. He sped up his pace then switched so his tongue was inside of her and his thumb was rubbing her clit. I didn't take before she came into his mouth. "You taste sweet vixen" he told her.

"I-I want you" Meredith breathed marking Derek slowly worked his way back up to her face. "Are you completely sure" he asked her. "Mhm 100% so right now I'm going to need you naked she said as she felt his erection on her leg.

He began to get undressed when Meredith started to undo his belt
"I decided I wanted to help you" she said staring into his eyes both of theirs full of lust. She got his pants off and he stepped out of them and now he was only in his boxers and she could tell that that dick of his was going to be big.

She grabbed him and pulled him down on top of her on the bed while kissing him. She started working off his boxers before he got up and took them of himself she found her self staring at Derek's penis it had to be like twelve inches ten at the least.
"Don't be so intimidated now vixen come here" he said before pulling her off the bed and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

He lead her back down on the bed and she started stroking him "I want you I need you" she told him "as you wish vixen...just I need to grab a condom" he said before grabbing a condom.
Meredith took it from him opened it and slid it on his large throbbing length.

He lined himself up with her opening before he said to her "it might hurt for a bit at first but then it should get better, okay?"

"Okay" she nodded her head.

He slowly slid inside her making her wince a little he wasn't lying when he said it would hurt a bit. He let her get used to it before he slowly started thrusting it hurt but then the pain went away and was replaced with pleasure. She couldn't get enough she needed him deeper and faster and with that length she knew that could happen all she had to do was ask but she was having trouble trying to speak when she finally gasped something out "faster...harder..deeper...please" she pleaded in pleasure she wrapped her legs around his waist to get him deeper and wow that felt good.

He was now hitting her cervix with every thrust she was on the verge of exploding when she finally let go.
"Derek!...I'm..I'm..cu-" she was cut of as she came all over him and her did the same not long after.

He collapsed right next to her after throwing away the condom both breathing heavily.

"That was-" Meredith started and Derek finished for her "mind blowing, amazing, hot, earth shattering" Derek panted. "All of the above" she giggled weakly. "Come here" he said pulling her close and pulling the covers over them.

"Goodnight Meredith" he said.

"Goodnight Derek" she said planting a kiss on his forehead before snuggling closer to him and falling asleep.


So that was just the chapter of their first time don't expect a bunch of smut from me because I'm bad at writing it but I will have some more of it.

Also sorry for not posting in a long time but I just posted chapter 10 and this is chapter 11 and I'm going to work on 12 right now so, bye!

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