Chapter 59

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Meredith Grey

Our honeymoon was great and wonderful but it also was about two months ago and I found out I was pregnant a few minutes ago and I'm going to tell Derek and I want everyone to know so if Derek wants I'm going to invite them and we'll tell them and they also want to see the pictures and videos of Paris we took and also the wedding ones.

We have the sex tapes too the ones that are the sex tapes have hearts like in honeymoon the O's are replaced with hearts and the dot on the I in wedding is a heart. I need to tell Derek to put those away.

"I'm home" I hear Derek say and my heart pounds faster.

"Hey" I smile kissing him as he hugs me.

"You texted me saying you have news" He smiles setting his stuff down.

"Yeah, uhm what to go into the living room?" I ask.

"Sure" he says kissing my head.

We sit down and I play with my fingers for a little. "Is it good or bad news?" He asks.

"Good, really really good" I say.

"Well?" He asks softly.

"Derek, I'm pregnant" I say.

"That's great Meredith" he smiles standing up.

"I know" I grin.

"Can we tell anyone or..?" He asks.

"I was going to ask the same question, how about you call your mom, sisters, and Mark then I'll call my mom and friends" I say.

"Deal" he grins and we walk in different rooms to make the phone calls.


A few hours later out families and friends show up. "We have some thing to tell you guys" I say as we are all in our living room.

"Tell away" Mark says.

"Wait we bought something, while we get it you guys can watch our wedding and honeymoon recordings and pictures, they're over there" Derek says and we go over to our room where we bought some shirts.

We have one that says 'I love my Grandmas' clearly for Carolyn and my mom.

And one that says 'I love my aunties' for my friends and Derek's sisters.

And another that says 'I love my uncles' for Mark, Alex, and his brother in laws.

We went to the store after we made the phone calls. We were bringing the shirts down in bags when we heard moaning very very loud moaning. "Ah shit" Derek says as we rush into the living room.

"Mark turn it off!" Aaron yells.

"He's trying!" William yells back.

We see on our large flat screen TV Derek eating me out in my wedding dress.

"Break it or something!" Kathleen groans.

"Hey! Don't you break our sex tapes I'm going to need those" I point at Mark a glare on my face.

He puts his hands up and takes a few steps back. Cristina and Izzie are watching looking like the wish they brought snacks.

Derek sets the gift bags that have the shirt in them down and walk over to the video player. He calmly shuts it down and takes the tape into his hand. "We forgot to hide this...and that" he sighs grabbing the honeymoon sex tape.

"But you hid the Valentines day one" I frown crossing my arms.

"Well, that one...that one was way sexier than what they just saw" he smirks playing with the tapes in his hands.

"Why do you need sex tapes Meredith?" Cristina asks.

"Yeah I mean you already married the king of sex" Izzie says.

"I take offense" Mark says.

"Honey, you're good, great even but from what you saw on the screen, let's just be reasonable" Lexie sighs patting his shoulder.

"Way to get shut down Sloan" Aaron chuckles.

"I'm still taking offense until I get more reasons" Mark says.

"Have you ever ate me out like that?" Lexie asks.

"No" he says.

"Exactly my point" she nods.

"Anyways, back to the real question, why does Meredith need to watch the sex tapes?" My mom says turning to us.

"Well, hormones I guess" I shrug as I pick up the bags.

"Ma, Ellis you two get what's in the purple bag, all the other girls get the pink one and the guys get the blue one" Derek says and I give them to everyone.

"A baby shirt, Meredith's pregnant" My mom says looking at Carolyn.

"Meredith's pregnant" she nods.

"That's great Meredith" Cristina smiles.

Everyone tells us how hally they are for us and stick around for a bit before leaving. "I'm pregnant sex tape?" I turn to Derek.

"That'd be nice" he smiles taking me into his arms and heading to our room.


Busted hehe one more chapter then an epilogue...

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