Chapter 3

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Meredith woke up early this morning and headed down stairs and Mrs. Shepherd was down there with her mom talking before the both had to go work.

"Good Morning Meredith" Carolyn said with a smile "goodmorning" Meredith said.

Meredith was wearing flowy jeans and a nice sweater shirt.

Meredith made it to school a little early not many people where there yet and class dosen't start for 35
minutes yet. Meredith was walking down the hallway to her locker to pit her backpack inside and take out her history book when she heard someone and look over to the sound and there Derek was just leaning against the wall waiting for her to notice him.

"Well Miss Grey you most certainly are not late today" Derek said chuckling. "That seems to be the case today but I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring" she teased.

"So what are you doing here at this time?" he asked "I'm not sure I gues you toks me not to be late here I am not late" she said "well that most certainly is true" he said "yes it is" she said well I'm going to go put this in my history class" She said "oh comon Grey you don't have to be there for another 20 minutes come over to my room it's right there across the hall" he said "fine but only for a little bit Mr. Shepherd" she giggled. "Fine by me Miss Grey" he said with his hands up.

"Ooh can I sit here?" she asked running over to his desk chair. "Be my guest" he said sitting on top of his desk. "I have no idea what you see in math" she giggled "seriously math isn't that bad" he said "says the math geek" she said. "Miss Grey are you insulting me?" He said playfully "maybe I am Mr. Shepherd" she said.
"Well that isn't very nice" he said "oh well neither am I" she said "oh but I think you deep down" he said "and how would you know that" she asked "lucky guess" he said.

He was leaning closer looking at her lips then her eyes and she was doing the same thing. Then there lips met it was soft but meaningful. Then it got a bit more passionate and his tongue was begging for and entrance. Their tongues danced in eachothers mouths cause Meredith to let out a moan as Derek's hands ran up and down her arms. Then they pulled away out of breath. "I should probably get going" she said "yeah" he said disappointed "see you later Mr. Shepherd" she said "as to you Miss Grey" he said smiling.

It was lunch and Meredith was sitting with all of her friends. "Meredith are you okay?" Cristina asked. "Perfectly fine" she answered. "You sure Mer you seem a little..happy" Alex asked "I am sure guys I have to have dinner with my mom's friend's family again tonight though" she said which wasn't really a downfall because Derek will be there.

Then she saw Derek walk into the cafeteria and he noticed her staring and walked over to her and her friends. You know Miss Grey it's not nice to stare" He said as he pretended to look through papers "I-I am not staring!" She said he looked up and said "oh but I think you were I'll see you later anyways goodbye Miss Grey" then he walked away.

"What was that about?" Izzie asked " I have no idea" Meredith said knowing exactly why he did that. "Looks like Mer has the hots for Shepherd" Alex said. "Do not!" She argued "I personally like calling him Mcdreamy" Cristina said. "Oh my god make it stopp" Meredith groaned.

It was last period and Meredith was heading to math when Cristina caught up to her. "Hey Mer you excited to see your favorite teacherr" Cristina said "shut your mouth Cristina" Meredith said not realizing he was behind them. "Favorite teacher huh I'm honored" Derek said "ugh damn it" Meredith groaned "can't wait for your mother to hear that" He laughed "my mother won't hear that" she told him
"Why is that?" He asked "because I said she won't or I'll tell something neither of us want her to hear" She said "you wouldn't do that" He said "your right I wouldn't I might get killed" she said as they walked into the classroom.

Class was going okay but Meredith was stuck on a question she didn't want to ask him but it was due at the end of class so she raised her hand and waiting for him to come over.

"Yes?" He asked walking over to her. "I don't understand this question" she said "okay what do you not understand about it?" He asked she glared at him "all of it" she said "okay you know what why don't you stay after class and I'll help you understand it" he said tapping on her desk and walked away.

"Mcdreamy tryna find ways to get you to stay after school with him" Cristina said "shut up Cristina he will see me after school anyways you know that" Meredith said glaring at her "yeah but at his mother's house he can't have a make out session with you" Cristina said "Cristina there will be no make out session" Meredith said. "Says who?" Cristina said "says me" Meredith said "well what if he kisses you" Cristina said "well then there might be one" Meredith said remembering this morning. "That's what I thought" "oh and tonight you better dress up nice" Cristina said "I dressed up last night why wouldn't I tonight" Meredith asked. "Uhm maybe because your Meredith" Cristina said "make sure it's hot" Cristina said "I don't own any 'hot' clothes you think my mom will let me wear any of it even if I did?" Meredith said "Well your birthday is in 2 weeks and you'll be 18 so what will your mom say" Cristina said.

"Yang Grey What's so interesting over there?" Derek asked. "Meredith's birthday in 2 weeks" Cristina said. "Mhm okay" he said.

After class Meredith stayed back. "So what do you need help with?" He asked. "Question 12" she said "okay so.." then he helped her with her math. "So your coming to mom's house again tonight for dinner?" He asked "uhm yeah" she said "that's great!" He said "yeah" she laughed. "Well then I will see you then" she said getting up "yeah see you then" he walked with her then she turned to him and he faced her.

He kept looking at her eyes then her lips he leaned in and she wrapped her arms around his neck and their lips met. They had a long passionate kiss and then they pulled away looking into eachothers eyes. "Uhm well see you tonight my mom is probably worried" she giggled "yeah see you" he said as she left his class room.

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