Chapter 19

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It was the first day back at school after the holiday break Derek and Meredith felt like a weight had been lifted off their chest after tell their families.

"So how are thing with you and Mcdreamy?" Cristina asked as her and Meredith sat down by Izzie, George, and Alex at lunch.

"Perfect" Meredith said taking something from George's tray.

"Good to know so what are you two in love?" Alex asked eating his food.

Meredith just ducked her head down and ate her food.

"Oh my god they are" Izzie said.

"Pfft no we aren't" Meredith lied.

"They are look at her face they are!" George exclaimed standing up and pointing at her.

"George! sit down" Meredith whisper yelled.

"Fine" he sighed and sat back down.

"Dude did you tell him that you love him?" Alex asked snickering a bit.

"She did" Cristina said.

"Cristina!" Meredith exclaimed hitting her shoulder.

"He said it back too" Cristina continued.

"That is all true thanks for sharing with us Miss Yang" they all heard from behind to see Derek leaning against the wall with papers in his hands.

"When did you get here?" Meredith asked.

He crossed his arms and looked at all of them. "When O'Malley got all excited and stood up" Derek said.

"So..have you told Ellis?" Izzie asked knowing how over protective of Meredith she is.

Derek chuckled and shook his head looking back at his papers. "Yeah uhm basically we told everyone in a way that didn't need words" Meredith told her.

"How?" Alex asked.

"I told Meredith that she drives me insane then picked her up and kissed her" Derek said his head still down at the papers but his eyes were looking up.

"Oh" the trio said. (George, Izzie, Alex)

"Yeah" Meredith said going back to eating and spoke up again. "They started asking questions they weren't that bad until Mark intervened" she told them making Derek laugh.

"Derek it wasn't funny" she told him tightly.

"Who's Derek? I don't know a Derek" he said looking around.

She sighed and said "Mr. Shepherd" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes Miss Grey?" He asked sweetly.

"I hate you" she giggled.

"Ah but I recall you day that you loved me is that correct?" He asked.

"I thought you were the teacher shouldn't you know the answer to that?" She asked playing with him.

"Hm then I suppose I'm right because you told me those words many many times" he grinned and walked off.

"So Meredith when's the wedding?" George asked.

"Ooh will you guys have babies?!" Izzie asked excitedly.

"Woah fellas calm down" Meredith said.

"Oh but Meredith they are so full of joy inside" Cristina said in a fake perky voice.

Meredith just laughed her friends were the best.


" the sex any good?" Cristina asked durning math class.

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