Chapter 26

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⚠️trigger warning, sexual harassment

Meredith and Derek were laying in bed when Derek all of a sudden starts talking. "Mer?" He asked gently.

"Yes?" She says in the same tone.

"I love you so much but I'm never kissing you after you throw up until you brush your teeth" he said with a chuckle.

"Understood" she giggled.


It was the day before the school got a week off for spring break and the whole Mr. Williams situation has got worse. He has been working there for three months now it's April he's been here since February.

Meredith was currently in math waiting for the period to end so she could stay home with Derek and go to the Easter Gala his parents are throwing instead of a regular Easter they decided to change things up a bit.

There was a knock at the door and Derek went to open it and there he was Mr. Williams looking uglier than ever. "Ah Mr.Williams what can I do for you?" Derek asked threw gritted teeth.

"I was wondering if I could borrow Meredith Grey for a few minutes just here in the hall" He said with a smile.

Derek looked back into Meredith's feared eyes and back to Mr. Williams. "Actually right now I'm teaching something she can't miss could it wait?" Derek asked kindly.

"No it's...urgent I have to talk to her about her education" Mr. Williams said.

"Okay but make it quick if she's not back in five minutes I'm coming out there" Derek said in defeat Mr. Williams out ranked him.

He nodded at Meredith with sad eyes. Meredith got up with a sigh. Before she could go he whispered into her ear "I'm sorry, if he makes you uncomfortable or touches you yell for me." She nodded and went out into the hall.

Mr. Williams closed the door and Derek walked to his desk and slammed his hand down on it making his class jump. "Fuck" he breathed walking back up to the front of class.

"Ah Meredith Grey you've been avoiding me" Mr. Williams told her running her making her back up into the lockers. "Yes I have you perv" she scoffed.

"What did you just call me?" He asked aggressively slamming his hand against the locker next to her head.

"A perv, your and old perverted man that needs to leave me alone" she hissed at him.

"Oh but don't you love it?" He asked putting one of his hands on her hip.

"No, no, no, leave me alone!" She yelled at him.

"Shh your loud and feisty but I'm going to ask you to calm down now" he said putting his face closer to hers before he forced his lips onto hers.

She bit his bottom lip and kneed him in the crouch making him drop. Then she ran to Derek's class and dropped to the floor once she closed the door.
Derek rushed over to her side and pulled her into his arms. "Yang, Stevens, Karev, O'Malley" he said having them to come over and comfort her while he left to find Willams.

Meredith didn't want to let him go she held him closer when he tried. "Hey, I'll be right back don't worry" he whispered into her ear. Derek ran out of the room to see the old guy slowing getting up. He went up to the man and punched him the face. He continued to punch him in the face before he got pulled off of him by Richard and Burke.

"Derek Shepherd what has gotten into you?!" Richard asked with a shout.

"Go into my classroom and ask Meredith Grey what he did to her!" He shouted back.

"What did he do?" He asked suddenly concerned.

"I didn't have time to asked she just came back to my class hyperventilating with tears streaming down her face" he told Richard. Derek looked up and saw Meredith in the door way with a tear stained face.
The next thing he knew she jumped into his arms and buried her face in his neck.

"H-he....kissed me...after I....pissed him off" she said into his neck and continued "so..I...bit his lip...and kneed him so he fell...then I went back to the classroom" she explained.

"'s okay, it's okay I'm here" Derek said rubbing her back.

"Why don't you two head home and I'll handle your class...uhm Burke could you call the police about our friend Hank here" Richard said.

"Of Course Richard" Burke said.

"Thanks Richard uhm we'll see you at the gala in a few days?" Derek asked.

"Yeah no problem see you then" Richard said with a nod.

With that Derek picked Meredith up bridal style with her head still buried in his neck. He didn't care who saw or what they said he just needed to get Meredith and himself home.


That was a filler chapter and it was pretty short but hope you liked it

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