Chapter 9

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It was dinner time and everyone was back enjoying Mrs. Shepherd's pot roast. "I met someone" Mark said put of no where he isn't the best at keeping his own secrets he can keep other people's secrets though it makes no sense but it works for Derek. "You did!" Carolyn said happily "did I say that out loud?" Mark asked embarrassed.

"You so did" Derek chuckled

"Shut it I have secrets of yours that I could share"

"You wouldn't"

"Don't test me"

"So what's her name" Amelia said trying to break up...whatever that was. "Uhm Lexie" Mark said "Lexie that's a nice name" Carolyn said smiling. "Yeah she's amazing and beautiful and funny, but there is something about her that I don't think you will approve" Mark said. "Well it seems you really like her and you Mark Sloan don't settle down so if this women can settle you I'm sure I'll like her" Carolyn said.

"You see she's a bit young" Mark said sheepishly.

"You Mark Sloan need young, how old?" Carolyn asked.

"Uh seventeen" he winced

"Seventeen Mark Sloan she isn't even an adult yet"

"You don't think I know that ma she will be eighteen on October 16"

"You should bring her to dinner sometime"

"Okay yeah, now that that's out of the what if Derek was seeing a girl like 18 would you be okay with that?" Mark asked curiously.

"Well considering your seeing a 17 year old girl I wouldn't care" Carolyn shrugged.

"Ellis what would you do if  Meredith dated someone Derek and I's age just wondering like so I could get parent point of view" He asked

"Well I would probably want a background check on that man and make sure he is right for her and just saying if my daughter was see you Mark Sloan no way in hell would I let you date her, but if she was dating Derek or someone like him I would be okay with it" Ellis said.

"Well it's nice to know I would be accepted by a parent if I were to date an eighteen year old I feel honored" Derek said which caused Meredith to give him a dirty look.

"Yes but don't push it Shepherd I had to do a full backup check on your father before I let your mother go out with him I wouldn't want to do it to another Shepherd man and I doesn't help that your a highschool teacher" Ellis said

"Hey it's not my fault I'm a highschool teacher I wanted to be an elementary teacher I'm great with kids and high schoolers are moody and talk about dreamy boys" he said looking at Ellis then Meredith for the last part.

"Hey that's not fair Cristina talks to loud and then shares ot to the class after you ask her to, you're- you're just nosy" Meredith said crossing her arms.

"And it's not my fault you and Miss Yang talk during my class" he chuckled.

"Actually Cristina talks to me and doesn't leave me alone until I answer her" Meredith defended herself

"Meredith you talk during class?" Ellis asked

"It's not a big deal Ellis just giving her a hard time" Derek said getting up to put his dishes away.

The rest of the night was fine they had a good time and after dinner and the delicious apple pie Carolyn made Ellis and Meredith went home because tomorrow was Monday and Meredith had to go through another day of school.

Meredith's pov

I woke up this morning early like I did friday morning. I got dressed and ready for the day said bye to my mom and head out the door.

I got to school and the halls were empty I liked it like that nobody was there to bother me. I walk to my locker and get things out for History with Mrs. Bailey she's intimidating but if you get on her good side she is really nice. My least favorite class is Phy Ed with Mr. Stark (see what I did there the peds doctor) he is a fucking perv but he mainly only eyes April Kepner she's a bit annoying but I feel bad that the old man eyes her shes just a christian girl.

I don't mind Mr. Burkes class he teaches Science and Cristina has her eyes on him, I think he likes her too.
I also don't mind Ms. Torrez she is the English teacher, the kindergarten teacher Ms. Robbins is always in her room on Fridays because the kindergarteners get off every Friday but I'm pretty sure they are dating.

"Ah Miss. Grey so early again" I heard a voice behind me I can only guess it's Derek and when I turn around he will be leaning on the wall by his classroom. What do you know I was right that's how I found him when I turned around.

"Seems like it" I giggle

"I have no problems with you coming early if you plan on coming in my room every morning" he said to me

"Guess I'm coming in you room for a bit" I laugh walking passed him and I sit on his desk.

Nobody's pov

"What do you think your doing?" Derek asked her walking into the room "sitting on your desk what does it look like and to think your a teacher" she said. He walked towards her until he stood in between her legs "you know I could dress code you for your top if you don't zip up your sweatshirt" Derek said placing his hand on her thighs and bringing his face very close to hers.

"You could but you wouldn't" she said with her breath picking up "and why wouldn't I" he whispered getting closer to her noticing her breathing.
"Hmm maybe because you like my outfit too much to dress code me for it" she said "hm your right" he said before his lips connected with hers.

"Hmm maybe because you like my outfit too much to dress code me for it" she said "hm your right" he said before his lips connected with hers

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Meredith's outfit minus the hat and coffee

They were in the middle of a great make out session when they heard lots of foot steps. "I have to go to history now I'll see you later" Meredith said before giving him a peck on the lips before getting out of his room.

He knew they shouldn't be doing this it was wrong in many ways but it felt so right to be with her he has been in many relationships before but none of them has made him feel the way he feels with her.

Meredith knew they shouldn't be together but she has never felt this way about anyone before she just had to know how they would end up.

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