Chapter 35

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Graduation was tomorrow everything has been set up and ready people just need to show up tomorrow.

"Tomorrow" Meredith said as I joined her in bed.

"Tomorrow" I repeated.

"The after party will be fun I guess" she shrugged rolling over to look at me.

"I have a question" I say.

"Ask away" she says.

"What are you going to major in?" I ask because she has never brought it up.

"Psychopathology" she says.

"What career?" I ask.

"I think I just want to research it maybe even teach it in a college honestly" she says.

"That's wonderful" I smile.

"Yeah" she smiles.

"What's your favorite part of it" I ask.

"I'm really just interested in the mental health, did you know that bdsm use to be considered a mental health issue?" She asked.

"Nope I never got into things like that" I shook my head.

"Hm I thought about it I have...certain kinks but not extreme" she shrugged.

"Hm what are your kinks?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I like handcuffs and being blind folded" she admitted shyly.

"Anything else?" I ask curiously I could definitely do handcuffs and blind folds easily.

"Hm, a little bit of pain I also like being punished" she said.

"Hm, we'll have to look into it" I joked.

"Yeah" she smiled.

"I think I could do that with you" I said I didn't do bdsm but this isn't extreme bdsm at all it's just her kinks and I'm willing to fulfill them.

"Really?" She asked her eyes lighting up.

"Of course it seems fun" I said kissing her lips.

"But I wouldn't know what I do like because I have never done it honestly bit it intrigues me and I would want to do it" she says.

"We can do that but we stayed up late last night and the night before, and before, so let's go to bed okay" I said softly.

"Yeah I am tired" she smiled weakly.

"I could tell your drifting off" I said taking her small figure I to my arms and pulled her close to my body as we fell asleep quickly.


I woke up at eight and Meredith was still sleeping so I got up and got dressed then went to make some breakfast for her.

I made her waffles and I made sure to have whipped cream and strawberries on top just how she likes it. I had some muesli myself.

I went over to wake her up. "Mer" I say gently rubbing her arm.

"Hm?" She hummed stirring.

"Do you want some waffles?" I ask her.

"Mm yeah" she smiled.

"Okay you stay her I'll bring them to you" I said kissing her forehead.

I walk over and grab the waffles and bring them back over to her. "Hmm my favorite, thank you" she smiles wide.

"Anytime" I smile sitting next to her in bed.

"Want some?" She asks taking a bite for herself moaning at the taste.

"I'm good they're for you" I told her.

"I don't mind sharing one bite with you" she said offering me some.

"I'm good really" I say.

"Just a bite please" she pouts.

"Fine" I chuckle and she puts the fork in my mouth.

"Good right?" She asks taking another bite for herself.

"Mhm" I smile it was good I just don't usually eat waffles.

"What time to have to be at the school?" She asks.

"One" I say.

"Okay" she says and continues to eat her waffles. "Could you pick a dress out for me to wear under the robe?" She asks me.

"Of course" I smile.

I go over and pick out a dress that is black with a slit on the side. I showed it to her to make sure she liked it.

"When did I get that?" She asked.

"Actually I bought it for you not that long ago and wanted you to wear it today" I smile.

"It's perfect thank you" she smiled.

"I thought so" I chuckled.

"Can I put it on?" She asked.

"Knock yourself out" I said handing her the dress.

She went to put it on and when she came out my breath hitched. "What do you think?" She asked.

I got up from the bed and picked her up bridal style. "Beautiful" I muttered kissing her lips.

I kept kissing her on her neck, lips, cheeks. She was a laughing mess. "Derek our moms are here let me down" she laughed after hearing a knock.

"Hmm, no" I said and continued kissing her.

"Derek!" She exclaimed as I tickled her sides and put her on the bed.

"Stay still" I chuckled.

"No, Carolyn, Mom help!" She laughed.

"No we'll just watch" Ellis said.

I laughed and stopped tickling her instead I sat down and pulled her onto my lap.

"Are you ready for today?" My mother asked Meredith.

"To graduate from highschool more than ever, but to go to college after the summer is over not really" she frowned.

"Mer" I sighed.

"I know we've talked about it Derek but I don't want to leave" she pouted.

I wrapped my arms around her small frame "I'll visit as much as I can" I told her softly.

"I'll come home for holidays" she said.

Her breathing became more ragged I looked and saw tears running down her face. "Don't cry Meredith" I said wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry" she laughed weakly.

"Come on let's get ready and clean your tears we have a graduation to get to" I said softly kissing her.

"Okay" she said softly.

"Okay" I said back.


Wrote this at school 😋😅

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