Chapter 55

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Meredith Grey

"Maybe he'll realize that I'm just the student I was when we first met" I say looking at myself in the mirror but I was talking to everyone in the room.

"Meredith you were talking about having kids just last night there is no way he is going to change his mind" Carolyn says.

"Yeah you're right" I breath.

"Of course, I am" she smiles.

"And I'll be walking down with you" my mom says kissing my head.

"Let's get this show on the road people Liz, Aaron you're up first" a voice says  and we all line up.

Aaron and Liz are in front, then Amelia and Matthew, Izzie and William, Cristina and Mark, then my mom and I behind everyone.

They all walk through the doors pair by pair until it's just my mom and I left.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I smile softly.

We start to walk through the door and everyone stands up. My mom walks me down the isle and once I get close enough she hands me off to Derek.

He hugs my mom and then takes my hand. I stand up next him and the pastor starts. I block most things out I keep staring up at Derek a huge smile on my face. They Derek starts saying his vows.

"Meredith, the first time I saw you walk into the auditorium I was drawn to you immediately, I didn't know why but I was and I tried to stop myself but I couldn't and I'm glad I didn't because if I did I wouldn't be here with you today, now we are here getting married and are going to try for a baby, all I can say is, I am so in love with you and I will always be in love with you Meredith Grey" he says with a huge smile and his eyes are that sparkly thing. I feel a tear run down my cheek.

I close my eyes taking a deep breath before I start. "Derek, when I first met you I was just some teenager pining over her teacher, Cristina even made a nickname for you and I could never get you out of my head, because you are my Mcdreamy and you will always be my Mcdreamy, I love you Derek Shepherd always and forever" I say some more tears falling.

The pastor said some more words and we exchanged rings. Then I heard Derek say 'I do.'

"Meredith do you.." the pastor goes on.

"I do" I smile brightly.

The next thing I know Derek is dipping me down kissing me passionately infront of all of our families and friends.

Once we pull away I whisper in his ear. "Did you have to kiss me like that infront of everyone?" I ask breathlessly.

"I did" he whispers back and we head back down the isle with the brides maids and groomsmen all close behind.

There is a party bus waiting and we all get on. Once everyone gets settled into the bus we start to leave. "So should we go bar hopping or straight to the reception?" Derek asks me.

"We have to bar hop a little" I smile kissing him softly.

"You guys feel any different?" Cristina asks.

"Why do you ask?" I tilt my head something I picked up from Derek.

"Because apparently your supposed to feel different" she shrugs.

"Hm, well I feel complete" I smile tracing Derek's jawline with my thumb.

"So we'll go to like three bars and go back because there is also a bar at the reception" Amelia says.

"Sounds like a plan" I nod.

"Speaking of bars, here's our first stop" Mark smirks and we get off the bus.


The reception is the next chapter I'm not going to right about the bar hoping lmao.


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