Chapter 24

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It was Saturday and Carolyn was hosting a dinner. Meredith and Derek didn't really want to go because they see their family all the time but it would be rude not to go. But they really did like their time alone together and lately they only get that at night. Ah the joys of living together they can atleast see eachother at night.

"I really don't want to go" Derek complained.

"Suck it up and let's go" Meredith giggled and slapped his stomach.

"You keep me in line what would I do without you?" Derek asked with a wide grin.

"You would be at the bar drinking away all your sarrows and regrets" she sighed dramatically.

"Haha so funny" Derek rolled his eye.

"I am aren't I" she smirked and walked out t o the car.


They got to Carolyn's house and know the were just sitting in the car waiting to get out it wasn't awkward for them...maybe for the people that could see them out the window but they were just taking eachother in and enjoying the company of one another. The got out and walked into the busy house together not before they both looked at eachother a took deep breaths.

"Derek, Meredith you made it!" Carolyn exclaimed happily walking towards them with open arms and took them both in for a hug.

"Yes we did oh and my mother won't make it tonight she's at the hospital" Meredith said with a soft smile.

"Eh that's okay I love your mom, I do she's my bestfriend but damn does she get on my nerves sometimes, sorry for the language" Carolyn said with a laugh.

"Yeah my mom has the effect on people" Meredith nodded with a giggle.

"So who else is here?" Derek asked.

"Mark is here no Lexie though, Kathleen is here, and Amelia is here" Carolyn said.

"Ah Derek at last my brother" Mark said walking towards them.

"That's me" Derek laughed.

"Derbear" Amelia said in a sing songy voice as she skipped towards them.

"Ameila?" Derek asked a little confused.

"Ameila..." Meredith said thinking she has an idea of why shes acting like this.

"What?" She asked them innocently.

"Ameila I think we should have a talk" Meredith said wrapping her arm around Amelia's shoulders and walking away with her.

"Uhm okay then let's just go into the other room we're crowding the entry way" Carolyn said gesturing to the living area.

They all walked to the living area to find Meredith and Ameila and they caught Meredith say 'Ameila!' in a happy tone.

"What's happening in here?" Mark asks.

"Ameila will tell you guys later" Meredith assured them as Derek pulled her onto his lap making her giggle.

"We get it you guys are in love don't need to advertise it" Kathleen rolled her eyes teasingly.

"Well ofcourse we do 'I love Meredith Grey', see advertising it" Derek smirked kissing Meredith's cheek.

"Your cheesy" Meredith giggled snuggling closer to him.

"Yeah, just a bit" he said earning glares from his family and a laugh from Meredith. "Yeah okay a lot cheesy, but, Meredith doesn't seem to be complaining" he admitted rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I just love you so much to put up with it" Meredith sighs dramatically with a giggle.

"No you just love me being cheesy" he said.

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