Chapter 33

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We arrived at the school and now we are sitting in my car

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We arrived at the school and now we are sitting in my car. "It'll be fine, right?" Meredith asked.

I looked over to her and gave her a soft smile "it will be and even if it isn't I don't care, it's your senior year not like you are going to see these bimbos again" I laughed at the last part.

"I love you" she said softly.

"I love you too" I said back.

I kissed her lips softly and wanted to continue but we were interrupted. Cristina was knocking on the window. I groaned and rolled the window down.

"Will you two stop locking lips and get in there already" she spat.

"We're coming get panties out of twist" Meredith said.

"Hey your the one probably wearing nothing under your dress" she said and walked away. I rolled up the window and looked at Meredith.

She gave me a smirk and shrugged getting out of the car. I chuckled shaking my head getting out as well.

We walked into the school and Meredith stopped as soon as we got to the gym doors. I looked at her and shot her a warm smile. She looked at me and returned the smile. We both took a breath before locking our arms and walked in.

Once we walked in people looked to see who walked in but they all froze and the music stopped when they realized it was us.

"Do I look bad or something?" I asked.

"Sheperd since when are you and Meredith Grey together?" A voice asked.

"Since at least the beginning of the year" I replied.

"Isn't that against the rules or something?" Someone asked.

"We have that taken care of" I said.

"So you decided to date that ratty thing?" A snotty voice asked, not just any snotty ex-wives snotty voice.

"Yes, and she isn't ratty she is beautiful, what are you doing here Rose" I asked.

"I wanted to see my husband" she smirked coming out of the crowd.

"Ex-husband" I corrected. "For two years I have been your ex-husband what do you want from me can't you just leave me alone" I begged.

"Because Derek I love you" she said.

"Then why did you cheat multiple times?" I asked.

"Because Derek you were never there and...and I needed attention" she said and I scoffed.

"I gave you all the attention in the world, I left my family, I took more days off then I should've, I cared for you but guess what you couldn't care less so you cheated on me and to top it all of I have a scar on my abdomen because you stabbed it with a knife!" I shouted.

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