Chapter 20

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He kissed down her body and then took off her pants and threw them somewhere on the floor. He kissed her inner thighs and then her pussy lips. He licked her clit then put his tongue inside of her.

"D-Derek..more" she begged he switched his tongue with two of his fingers and licked her clit while he thrusted his fingers in her.

Then she released all over his fingers and he lapped up her cum and kissed back up her body.

"I need you"


"You look like you had a long night" Cristina said on a Monday morning. Meredith moved in with Derek Friday evening and they had a lot of sex that whole weekend not that she was complaining.

"A long weekend" Meredith corrected her.

"A bad weekend or a sex marathon weekend?" Cristina asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"A sex marathon weekend" Meredith laughed.

"Good for you Grey" they heard Alex say from behind them.

"Shut it evil spawn" Cristina hissed.

"Whatever" he said.

"Grey is that your second cup of coffee?" Derek asked from across the hall.

"Yeah.." she mumbled.

"Shepherd what'd you do to the girl?" Alex asked.

"Hey don't blame it all on me I suggested it friday night but I mean she wanted more.." he said and dissapeared into his classroom.

"Horny much?" Cristina asked

"Shut up" Meredith said and went to first period.

"Someone's embarrased" Alex said making Cristina glare at him and walk away.


"I have a suggestion" Alex said in the beginning of math class.

"Karev?" Derek asked.

"We should share about our weekends" Alex said.

Derek smirked he usually wouldn't he doesn't really like Alex but he wanted to see what Meredith would say because they stayed in bed all weekend. "Good idea."

"Oh come on we're seniors we should share about our weekends" Meredith said.

"Exactly you guys are seniors I doubt this will happen again in my class atleast" Derel said.

"Meredith it's not that bad it's just our weekends" Izzie said. Meredith just rolled her eyes.

"Well who would like to go first how about O'Malley" He said.

"My brothers shot my dad's ass while we were shooting targets" he said.

"Well then your brothers must have terrible aim" Derek said holding in a laugh.

"Stevens" He said.

"I was bored so I baked muffins...lots of muffins" she said.

He nodded.

After a bunch of different kids.
"Karev" he said.

"I had wrestling matches" he said.

"Intresting" Derek nodded.

"Yang" he said.

"I stole Meredith's mom's surgical tapes and watched those all weekend"

"Cristina!" Meredith exclaimed.

"What? It's not like she missed them and I'll give them to you to return to her anyway" she shrugged.

"I don't go to my mothers considering I moved out this weekend" Meredith groaned.

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