Chapter 25

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Meredith Grey

Principal Webber well I usually just call him Richard because he's kind of dating my mom but that's not the point. He called the whole high school to the auditorium because we are getting a new Vice Principal because Mr. Fairbanks found a new job the new mans name is Hank Williams.
I mean who's named Hank I feel bad for the man he's probably really old.

I got seated into the auditorium and I noticed a guy the looked about 63 in there...yup he's old just like I expected and damn straight ugly too. I was startled when Derek sat in the row behind be and whispered into my ear.

"I don't like that Hank Williams guy" he whispered into my ear. Just by looks I didn't like him and I'm pretty sure Derek talked to him already so it's probably even worse.

"I haven't liked him since I set eyes on him" I whispered back to him honestly. I sure wasn't lying to him all I hope is that he dosen't notice me which shouldn't be hard because I'm bot very popular but then again my friends talk very loud at lunch.

"Yeah the whole time I was talking to him he was checking out the girls it's creepy like worse than Stark" he whispered that made me kind of scared what if he's the kind of guy to rape girls in his basement I mean he looks like it. With his dyed black hair he doesn't even have much of it his cold dead brown eyes. Nope this man needs to get out of my school.

"I-I don't like it Derek" I said as I was looking at him and I made eye contact and quickly ripped my eyes away from Hank's and looked into Derek's worried but safe blue eyes.

"Neither do I, just try to stay away from him okay can you do that?" He asked softly with love.

"I will try" that's all I really could do. As soon as I said that Mr. William's started walking towards me "fuck" I groaned trying to dissapear from existence.

"I'll be right here" Derek told me so I relaxed just a bit. He was coming closer until he finally reached me.

"Mr. Willams but a pretty little lady like you can just call me Hank" he told me and I cringed.

"Is that your way of flirting because if it is you suck at it and two I'm a student and your the Vicce Principal not to mention old" I snapped.

"Feisty, I like you little one" He smirked at me and I felt like I was going to throw up. I got up and sprinted out of there he disgusted me to the point I ran to go throw up it was sad really an old man flirting with me.

Derek Shepherd

Meredith ran out of the room and I followed Richard called out to me but I yelled that I'll be back.

I watch her run into a janitors closet and I follow her in to see her puking in one of the trashcans. I walk over and hold her hair while rubbing her back. "That was pathetic" she laughed.

"What?" I asked in a chuckle confused by her words.

"That Mr. William guy makes me so disgusted I threw up and his attempt to flirt was pathetic" she explained to me laying her head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and we just sat in a comfortable silence.

"We should probably head back now I told Richard I would be back" I whispered into her hair. She looked at me and gave me a quick kiss and then we headed back looking like a teacher and student not like girlfriend and boyfriend. Before we walked into the auditorium I stopped her and cupped her face. "I love you" I said and gave her a kiss.

We pulled away out of breath. "I love you too" she smiled and we walked in.

"Ah Mr. Shepherd thanks for joining us" Hank Williams said as we walked in he was up at the microphone seems to be giving a speech.

"So sorry I had to make sure my student was okay after you tried to feel her up" I yelled at him and he just ignored me and kept going. The students all looked at me and I just shrugged, I really like my students I am a well liked teacher I have good connections with my students so they will probably ask about it but I'm going to keep quiet because I don't want to break Meredith's trust by telling the whole highschool. I just wished that Richard didn't have to leave so he could've heard me but sadly he left.

I took my spot back behind Meredith and listened to what the fucker had to say.


Once the auditorium emptied out everyone headed to lunch because they started one period before lunch and that whole thing took a whole period.

"Meredith was it just me or did you get a weird feeling about Mr. Williams?" Cristina asked sitting down next to her.

"He is creepy he tried to literally feel me up" Meredith shuddered.

"That's what Shepherd was talking about" Cristina said understanding.

"Yep" Meredith said stealing one of her french fries and popping it into her mouth.

"You guys talking about Williams?" Alex asked while he, Izzie, and George  sat down next to them.

"Bingo" Cristina said taking a bite of her food. Mr. Williams started walking over towards them and Meredith shrunk in her seat gesturing her head towards him.

"Oh crap, Meredith it was you?" Izzie asked with an apologetic look as Meredith nodded.

"Miss Grey" he says staring at her intently. "Mr. Williams" she said avoiding the old mans gaze.

"I told you to call me Hank" he whispered into her ear making her want to throw up again.

"Please step away" she begs weakly.

"Okay okay my bad Miss Grey" he says taking a step back.

"Hm Willams I have a few questions for you" Derek says as he walks over to the table.

"Okay" he nods and they walk away. Meredith is so grateful that he showed up she looked to see her friends with sad looks on their faces.


I wrote this chapter anytime I got during school today😭

Mr. Williams can leave thank you that ugly old man

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