Chapter 34

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"Why does it look like that?" Alex asks as we are eating lunch that Monday after prom

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"Why does it look like that?" Alex asks as we are eating lunch that Monday after prom.

"What do you mean it's pretty" Izzie says.

"It is really pretty" George agrees.

"Doesn't spark my interest, but yay go Mer" Cristina says putting her fist in the air.

"Well I think it's beautiful and he knows me very we because I would buy it for me too, so just be nice to my ring" I say looking at it on my ring finger on my left hand.

"So when's the wedding?" Cristina asked.

"Not until after college" I said.

"So you know you could bail.." Alex said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to Derek's class room now leave me alone."

"Kinky" Cristina shouted.

"Shut up" I yelled.


I knocked on the door of his class room and waited for him to open it.
"Come in" I heard him say so I walked right on in.

"Meredith" he smiles walking over to me.

"Derek" I giggle as he takes me into his arms.

"I missed you" he whines not letting me go.

"You saw me this morning" I smile.

"That was too long ago" he pouts.

"You're being clingy" I said pulling him back and running my fingers through his hair.

"Is it bad that I miss my fiance?" He asked kissing my neck multiple times.

"No, I missed you too" I smile.

"That's good" he chuckles.

"We have to go to your mom's for dinner and your sisters will be there" I told him as he kissed my neck.

"I know" he said bring his head up and kissed my lips.

"I have to go to my next class soon" I told him softly.

"Yeah, yeah" he said kissing me again.

We pulled away after awhile breathless. "I have to go now" I giggled as he pouts.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"Huh?" I ask.

He smirks "you might have some hickeys on your neck...very visible" he chucked.

I sighed and shook my head "love you."

"I love you too" he said as I walked out of his classroom.

I walked to my next class and sat down next to Cristina. "I told you you're kinky" she laughed.

"Shut up there was no sex in his class room there was no teacher and student roleplay" I rolled my eyes.

She just shrugged then spoke again "those are really dark hickeys..."

"Shut up" I said.

"Fine, fine but the teacher is inspecting your marks" she shrugged and I looked over to see the sub Mr. Dandridge looking intently at the marks Derek left.

"Is there a problem Mr. Dandrige?" I ask.

"You will have to have a lunch detention with me tomorrow" he said.

"What? Why?" I ask shocked.

"You shouldn't be getting intimate with some strangers on school campus" he said.

"Well for one it really wasn't an intimate thing honestly he was being sweet and clingy, two he isn't a stranger he is my damn fiance and three, why are you only giving me the detention and not even bother asking who did this to me?" I said.

He sighed "who did this to you?" He asked.

"Derek Shepherd" I answered.

"The math teacher?" He asked with wide eyes.

"The one and only" I smirked.

He walked over to the phone on his desk I have no idea what he said but not to long after Derek walked into the room.

"Dandridge you called?" He asked but ot wasn't really a question.

"I did" Mr. Dandridge said walking over to me and put his hand on my shoulder I cringed at the contact.

Derek walked closer with a clenched jaw. "And why?" He asked standing next to us.

"Why would you a teacher over all send a student back to class with hickeys all over her neck?" Dandridge asked.

"Why would you care what my fiance and I do?" Derek asked.

"It's inappropriate" he said gripping my shoulder tighter and I squeezed my eyes shut.

The next thing I know my shoulder is realised I hear a thud and a bunch of cheering. I open my eyes and see Mr. Dandridge on the floor and Derek taking me into his arms.

"Maybe I shouldn't give you anymore hickeys" he said into my hair with a low chuckle.

"No I like the hickeys, more hickeys I say" I whispered.

"Well, since Dandridge is knocked out I guess I will be the sub for the rest if this period" Derek said walking to the front of class.


We arrived at Carolyn's house and we were walking into the house now.

"Meredith!" My mom exclaimed taking me into her arms.

"Mom?" I said confusedly.

"Richard told me what happened" she frowned.

"Oh" I blushed.

She scanned over me and saw the hickeys "oh, well I see you have had your fun" she said holding in a laugh.

"Actually they are my battle scars" I laughed.

"Mer" Derek sighed.

"What?" I ask.

"Please don't call them that" he said.


"Because I made them and they are the reason he was hurting you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"But I'm fine Der you were there and now, I'm okay" I said turning around to face him.

"But what if I wasn't?" He asked softly not meeting my gaze.

"That doesn't matter because you were there" I said moving my hands to his face making him look at me.

I slowly and softly pushed my lips against his and pulled back after a little bit.

"But-" he started but I cut him off.

"You see this ring right here you but on my finger two days ago, this means that I'll be your wife someday, and you know what the key to a healthy long lasting marriage is?" I ask.

"Uh-" he started but I cut him off again.

"Listening to your wife" I said hitting him on the head.

"Hey" he frowned.

I rolled my eyes and rubbed the spot on his head where I hit him "better?" I ask sarcastically.

"Way" he nods.

"Let's go dork" I giggle taking his hand and we spend the remainder of the night at his mother's house.

My uncle called my 15 year old neighbor a cocksucker because he was losing to a 15 year old boy at mini golf😋

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