Chapter 4

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Meredith and her mother were getting ready to go back to the Shepherd's again tonight because Mark will be there tonight he couldn't make it yesterday.

Meredith and her mother were getting ready to go back to the Shepherd's again tonight because Mark will be there tonight he couldn't make it yesterday

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Meredith's outfit

Ellis and Meredith got there and were greeted by Carolyn again "hello welcome back" Carolyn laughed "hey Mrs. S is Amelia here?" Meredith asked "yep right up stairs dear" Carolyn said. "Meredith hey your back" Amelia said "yes I'm back" Meredith giggled "anything happen in the less then 24 hours you've been away?" Amelia laughed "like you wouldn't believe" Meredith sighed.

"WHATTT?" Amelia yelled "you and my brother kissed...TWICE!" Ameila asked "uhm..yes?" Meredith said "well I'm happy for you but I still don't get what you see in that man" Amelia said "okay so your not mad at all?" Meredith asked suprised. "Not one bit I'm happy that you are happy" Amelia said. Then Derek came and knocked on Amelia's door "come in" Amelia said

"Hey dinner will be done in a couple minutes and Mark is here" he said then saw Meredith and smiled at her softly and she smiled back. "What are you guys talking about?" He asked "just her amazing 2 kisses with Mcdreamy" She said then pulled Meredith out of her room and he flashed Meredith a smirk and Meredith smiled at him.

"Hey Grey" Mark said once she got down stairs. "Hey Markie" Meredith said giving him a hug. "We will have to catch up during dinner" he told her "yep we will" she said walking into the dining room.

Mark sat next to Derek and Meredith sat across from Derek next to Amy.
"So Meredith hows school" Mark asked "well considering today was my 2nd day back just fine and Derek is my math teacher" Meredith said.
"Of course he is Derek the math nerd" Mark said punching Derek playfully "that's what I called him" she said giggling "what can I say great minds think alike" Mark said laughing "I am not a math nerd" Derek argued "but you so are" Meredith said. "I'm not that's why I need help on certain math problems because it doesn't go through my brain like yours" she said laughing. "Yeah you know Meredith that was a pretty easy math problem"  He said "it was not an easy math problem is 2+2 not whatever that was" she argued. "Man what are you teaching her" Mark asked "math what else would I teach her" Derek said then Ameila whispered in Meredith's ear "sex" that made Meredith turn bright red. "Amelia!" Meredith whisper yelled. "What it could be true" she shrugged "well it definitely is not" Meredith said. "What are you two talking about?" Ellis asked "nothing mom really" Meredith said glaring at Amelia. "Then why do you look all flustered and mad" Mark asked. "I'm neither of those things" Meredith protested sitting back in her chair looking at Mark then to Derek. "How did you get her to react like that Amelia if you said 'nothing'" Kathleen asked amused. "You wouldn't understand inside jokes" Amelia shrugged "mhm sure" Nancy said.

"You know what I'm going to cool down outside real quick" Meredith said getting up and walking out onto the porch. "I'll go check on her" Derek said getting up to go out by her.

"Hey what did Ameila possibly say to get you so flustered" he asked "you don't want to know" Meredith said giggling. "Ah see but I do" he said pulling her chin up so she was looking into his eyes "you sure?" She asked "yes I am" he said looking at her. "Okay so uhm you know when Mark asked what you're teaching me" She said "yes" he answered still staring into her eyes. "W-well uhm after he asked that Ameila whispered sex to me" she said shyly "oh did she now?" he asked. "Yes" she said "oh well that could be arranged" he said Meredith saw his eyes darken "mhm really?" she said wrapping her arms around his neck "really" said as she ran her fingers through is hair "I don't think you would want to" she said then kissed him it was a long kiss. "Why would that be?" Derek asked pulling away "because I'm a virgin" she said a little shyly. "Well then you wouldn't have to be" he said then walked back into the house.

"She will be back in a second" he said sitting back down

Meredith walked back in after a few minutes she had to re-cool down after that conversation with Derek. "Meredith your back" Carolyn said "yep I just a little head ache and was feeling warm but I'm just fine now" she said sitting back down and looked at Derek he looked up and smirked very aware that he made her very flustered. "Are you okay Meredith do you have a fever?" Ellis asked "I'm fine I just needed to cool of mom" she smiled. "Okay sweetie" Ellis said

After a while Meredith and Derek's stolen glances did not go unnoticed by Mark "what's up with you and Grey?" He whispered to Derek. Derek knew he couldn't hide it from Mark he will figure it out sooner or later and plus Meredith told Amelia and probably Cristina too so it would hurt if he told Mark "I'll tell you later" he whispered back.

After dinner Meredith and Ameila were hanging out Ellis said Meredith could stay for a while just as long as she got home and if she wouldn't make it home to call her, the first day of school was on a Thursday that made today Friday so she didn't care as long as she was with the Shepherd's. 

Derek stays with his mom during the weekends to keep her company even though Amelia is there he missed out on a lot of things anyway.

Derek told Mark about him and Meredith once they got in his room.
"No way you and Grey" Mark said "wait can't you get fired for that and no way Ellis will agree to that relationship" Mark also said "no shit sherlock that's why nobody knows but us, Ameila, and Meredith's friend Cristina" Derek said. "Ha your a pedophile" Mark said "ew Mark no I'm  not that's gross and she'll be 18 soon so it wouldn't be illegal" Derek said.

"Meredith can we go to your house and grab your things so you can stay over" Amelia asked "of course" she said and they headed downstairs they found Derek and Mark sitting downstairs with beers "hey guys" Mark said "hey Mark we are just heading over to my stuff so I can grab my stuff" Meredith said. "Okay see you in a bit" Derek said. "Yep be right back" Meredith said.

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