Chapter 17

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Meredith was sweating in Derek's jacket with all the body heat around her the warmth around her the fireplace she was sweating god she wished she could take off the jacket but then people would see the hickey Derek left on her. When she got a hold of Derem she might just kill him but for now she had to go stand outside for a bit.

"Meredith are you alright you look hot and pale" her mother said.

"Yeah I'm just going to stand out side for a bit" she said and walked off.

When she walked out she noticed Derek sitting on the swing on the porch. "Hey" she said going to sit by him.

He look over to her and smiled "hey."

"You know it's really warm in there wearing my jacket won't make it better" he told her wrapping his arm her waist.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to if you didn't give a hickey" she told him.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that" he chuckled.

"Ass" she giggled hitting him.

"Yeah but you like my ass don't you?" He said putting a kiss to the top of her head.

"Yeah sure I like your ass" she responded.

"We should probably head back inside" he said.

"Yeah probably" she agreed.

"Let's go then" he said standing up and holding out his hand for her to take.

she took his hand and got up and let go of it and starting walking to the door but before she could go far Derek slapped her ass. "Hey what was that for?" she asked.

"Well I like your ass a lot" he said and gave her a quick kiss and went inside leaving her until she followed and went inside also.

"What were you two doing out there?" Nancy asked.

"Well I was hot so I went outside to cool off I don't why he was out there" Meredith said going to sit on the ground with Lilly.

"I was out there to get away from my annoying four sisters" Derek said going to sit down across from Meredith and Lilly so he was next to Nancy and Liz's six year olds Elliot and Elijah.

"Mhm" Lucas hummed.

"Lucas wanna know something?" Derek asked the thirteen year old.

"What?" He asked.

"Your such a gossip kid" he laughed.

"Hey in my defense I have a feeling you and Meredith are more then you tell us" Lucas said.

"You even have your children thinking that" Meredith groaned at Derek's three older sisters.

"Well I mean when they ask we can't just lie to them" Nancy said rolling her eyes.

"You wouldn't be lying to them if you just say there is nothing going on" Derek said.

"Hm I think you guys are hiding thing from us and I'm just going to say your in complete and utter love" Delaney said batting her eyes.

"Meredith, Derek can you come here!" They heard Carolyn call.

They were walking into the kitchen together to see what Carolyn wanted when they were stopped.

"Aha!" They heard a kid exclaim.

"What?" Meredith asked as the both turned to face Carrie and Sophie.

"Mistletoe" Sophie said pointing up.

"Huh? Oh" Derek said as he looked up.

"You two have to kiss!" Carrie exclaimed and everyone came running in as they heard that.

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