Chapter 7

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Meredith walked up stairs and slowly made it over to Derek's room and knocked on his door. She heard him get up and walk over to the door "Meredith?" He said opening the door. "Uhm there aren't any more rooms and Amelia said to sleep in your room is that okay with you?" She said "oh yes more than okay come in" he said opening the door wider for her to come in.

"Come here I don't bite" he said getting in his bed and patting the spot next to him. She walked over and got into the bed with him "I'm not gonna hurt you come here" he said grabbing her making her giggle. He kissed her cheek and let her go so she could get comfortable then he put his arm around her waist and nuzzled his face in her neck and kissed it "good night Meredith" he whispered "mhm good night" she said back.

"Ughhh" Meredith groaned waking up the next morning "well good morning to you too" Derek said already awake with his hand holding up his head "are you watching me sleep?" She said giggling "mhm maybe" he said placing a kiss on her lips "so what are you a creep who watches women sleep" she said "I could be but no I'm not" he said putting his hand through her hair. "Good" she said smiling. "Well should probably get up before my mom comes to wake me up she needs everyone to be downstairs by a certain time no later" he said "I don't want to I just want to lay here in bed all day..with you" She pouted "me too darling but unfortunately we can't" he said giving her a peck on the lips before getting up and dragging her out of bed. "You go I'll get dressed quickly then hi down" he said and she nodded walking out to head downstairs. "Meredith I was just headed to Amelia's room to wake you up" she said smiling "oh well here I am so you don't have to" Meredith said "great well I should probably get Derek up" she said "okay" Meredith said and walked into the dining room where everyone else was sitting. "Look who's up mom went upstairs thinking you'd be in my room" Amelia said "oh I met her coming downstairs she went to get Derek even though he is already up" she shrugged.

"Good morning" Derek said to everybody walking into the dining room. "Morning" everyone said.

"Okay I made waffles I hope that's okay with all of you" Mrs. Shepherd said walking in "more than okay mom" Mark said "thank you Mrs. Shepherd I love waffles" Izzie said "thank you" Cristina said it kills her to be polite or kind "well waffles are my favorite" Meredith said giggling. "Are they now?" Derek asked amused "yes" she said smiling "that's nice waffles are great thanks ma" he said.

They were all having a good time talking and Mrs. Shepherd asked how everyone slept "really good like always" Mark said "like a baby" Izzie said "good" Cristina said "fine Meredith had to sleep on my bed and slept on a air mattress" Ameila said lying "well I slept better than I have in my life" Meredith said looking up at Derek to meet his eyes "I had the best sleep ever" Derek said staring into Meredith's eyes.

After breakfast Meredith went to go get changed into a cute little dress it was still warm enough and Amelia packed her clothes so she really had no choice.

After breakfast Meredith went to go get changed into a cute little dress it was still warm enough and Amelia packed her clothes so she really had no choice

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She thought it was really cute so she wasn't complaining. She walked down stairs and everyone was already dressed talking and having a good time. "Oh hey Mer you ready to go?" Izzie said "where are we going exactly?" She asked "oh we are going to the mall" Amelia said. "Enless you just want to stand there and be a model for Mcdreamy that's fine too" Cristina said. "Cristina!" Meredith yelled "it's okay darling I don't mind" he whispered in her ear sending chills down her spine. "Is everything okay in here?" Mrs. Shepherd said walking which made Derek walk away from Meredith. "Yeah we were just talking about Meredith's little boy crush" Cristina said "I swear Cristina shut your mouth I don't have a little boy crush!" Meredith exclaimed "right right sorry man crush" Cristina corrected herself "ughhh Cristinaa just shut up already" Meredith groaned.

"No need to be embarrassed Grey it's just a crush" Mark said "it's not just a crush it's different you know you guys really get on my nerves" Meredith said. "How about you leave Meredith alone- wait what's his name" Carolyn said "that's not important" Meredith said "they call him Mcdreamy" Derek said "Mcdreamy that's a nice code name you think he knows he gets called Mcdreamy" Carolyn said getting interested in their conversation. "Oh he knows alright" Izzie said "why don't you just tell us his name then?" Mrs. Shepherd asked
"It's not a big deal we should get going right?" Meredith said "actually the mall doesn't have the some stores I want to go to open for another 2 hours so no rush here" Amelia said. "Fine but you know Carolyn it's nobody important" She said biting her lip "nobody important huh" Derek said "damn it okay maybe he is important but it doesn't matter" she said "well does he like you back" Carolyn asked Meredith looked at Derek smiling "yeah I'm pretty sure" she said "well why don't you go out with the boy Meredith" Mark said "my mother" Meredith said glaring at him "well dear maybe if she met him it would be different maybe if we all met him" Carolyn suggested and then like she was summoned Ellis walked into the house nobody really cared if Ellis or Meredith walked into the house because they are basically family. "Oh Ellis hey we were just talking about a boy Meredith likes" Carolyn said making Meredith even more embarrassed. Derek walked closer to her and whispered into her ear "it's going to be fine darling" his warm breath by her ear and near her neck made he shiver then he pecked her cheek and walked back to Mark. Then Ellis and Carolyn walked back into the family room. "A boy Meredith is it this 'Mcdreamy' one" Ellis said just wanting to protect her little girl "it most definitely is Dr. Grey" Cristina said "so it is the one you have talked about many times before" Ellis said "actually I don't talk about him that much Cristina and Ameila do and then we have these conversations with everyone" Meredith said. "Well if Derek makes you nervous because he's your teacher I will make him leave with me" Mark said "you know I forgot he was my teacher I actually forgot about his class because math makes me tired" She said "math isn't that bad what is wrong with you people" Derek said putting his hands in the air "nothing is wrong with us Shepherd maybe something is wrong with you" Mark said "maybe there is something wrong with me" Derek admitted trying to get the attention off of Meredith.

"Aha the math nerd admits it" Mark said knowing he is trying to distract the mothers. "You guys are idiots" Meredith said "hey don't talk to me like that it hurts my feelings" Derek pouted. Meredith got up and walked over to him "poor Mr. Shepherd got is feelings hurt it's okay just don't cry" she said rubbing his shoulder and mouthed 'thank you' and he smiled at her slightly. "We are going to the mall now Meredith" Izzie said then Meredith gave him a pat on his shoulder and walked away.

"I thought I was going to die in there" Meredith said once everyone got in Cristina's car Cristina was driving obviously Meredith was in the passenger seat so Amelia and Izzie were in the back. "And you guys are just waiting for me to snap and don't say you weren't I saw your faces" Meredith said. "Hey we wanted to see the expressions on the mom's faces especially yours, I think Mrs. Shepherd wouldn't really care but yours she might lock you up" Cristina said "yeah seriously Mer I doubt my mom would care but if you told my mom and not yours my mom would just tell yours" Amelia said "thanks for the support I appreciate it" Meredith said sarcastically "anytime Mer" Cristina said laughing.

Hours Later..

"We're homee" Ameila said "hey sweetie supper will be ready soon are the girls still with you?" Carolyn asked "no Cristina dropped us off and went home" Ameila said "okay well you two head up stairs and get washed up" Ellis said "okay" Ameila and Meredith said.

They went down stairs and had a good meal and Ellis agreed to let Meredith stay another night since it was only Saturday.
After dinner Ellis left Meredith and Ameila were on the couch talking and Derek was with Mark and Mrs. Shepherd cleaning up dinner.

"Since Cristina and Izzie aren't here you can have Liz's or Kath's room enless you like sleeping in Derek's room help yourself" Amelia said "maybe I will do just that" Meredith said "great I'll look forward to seeing you" Derek said from behind her. "Oh hi" she said as he came closer and planted a kiss on her head "don't do that back up your mom might see she has eyes everywhere and knows everything she knew Nancy was pregnant before Nancy even knew" Meredith said "fine I won't out in the open but no promises later" he said then walked away.

Sorry for the little wait but here you go

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