Chapter 48

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Derek Shepherd

Meredith and I ended up falling asleep shortly after that but I just woke up and she is starting to stir now. "Morning my love" I whisper as she fully wakes up.

"Hm morning, what time is it because it's not actually morning" she says with a smile.

"Two fifteen" I say.

"Okay" she nods.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good" she says.

"That's good" I smile.

"Yeah, wanna know something?" She asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Sometimes it doesn't feel like we're engaged" she says.

"What do you mean?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"I mean like you are at home and I'm here so it doesn't feel like we are but then I look at my ring and it reminds me that we're engaged, that one day we'll be married" she says softly.

"Hm we will be married Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd" I sigh happily with a smile.

"That's a crazy thought" she sighs.

"It is but it's going to happen" I say.

"It is going to happen and when it does we're going on our honeymoon" she smiles.

"Oh yes we can't forget the honeymoon" I say.

"We should go to like Italy or something" she says.

"I don't think teachers like me get paid enough to go on trips like Italy" I say.

"Fine wine country" she rolls her eyes.

"We can do that, more reasonable" I chuckle.

"For a while five days just you and me in utterly happy bliss all the sex we can handle" she smiles.

"Yes lots of sex" I whisper into her ear.

"So much sex" she nods.

"We could try new things, new positions" I say.

"Lots of new positions" she agrees.

"Too bad we won't get married for awhile" I say.

"Can we get married like next week?" She asks with a grin.

"No Meredith we can't get married next week" I chuckle.

"Fine, worth a shot" she groans.

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

"Can you eat me out?" She asks with a smile.

"Can I eat you out?" I repeat.

"That's what I asked" she says.

"Of course I can eat you out come here" I say changing our position so she is laying on the bed and I'm hovered over her.

I undress her than myself before switching our position so she is sitting on my chest and I'm laying under her. I smirk before grabbing her thighs and pulling her onto my face.

I lick in between her folds making her gasp. "You're already so wet love" I say kissing her clitoris.

"Only for you" she breaths as I suck and lick on her clit. She starts to rock her hips trying to create more friction but I hold her hips in place.

I suck in between her folds making her moan loudly. I soon thrust my tongue into her and let go of her hips letting her ride my face my nose hitting her clit now and again.

"Oh god Derek" she moans before releasing onto my face but I don't stop. I continue to eat her out like she's my last meal.

She lets out whimpers and moans while she rides my face. I pinch her nipples making her gasp as over stimulate her. All of the feelings at once send her over the edge as she releases on my face for the second time.

"Derek I can't" she moans as I go for round three.

"Yes you can" I say before going back to eating her out as she rides my face rapidly.

"Oh shit, fuck fuck fuck" she chants

"Fuck me, yes yesss" she moans.

For the third time she cums on my face except this time she squirted. "Hm" I hum kissing her pussy before sliding her down.

"I think I made a mess" she says.

"Hm a hot porny mess" I smile.

"Let me clean it up" she says before kissing me and she licked up every last drop that missed my mouth...


Honestly I am just focusing on my story 'And you are?" Right now. Sorry for not updating but here you go some smut for your troubles.


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