Chapter 41

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"You have everything you need packed right?" Derek asks again as he his putting the last of my things in the car

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"You have everything you need packed right?" Derek asks again as he his putting the last of my things in the car.

"For the hundredth time Derek yes" I say with an eye roll.

"Just making sure" he said closing up the back.

"We don't have time to make sure I want to say bye to everyone before they leave your mother's house" I pout crossing my arms.

"Okay, okay get in the car" he says kissing my cheek and opening the passenger door for me.

Once we arrive at Carolyn's house I jump out of the car. I rush into the house and see everyone in the on the deck from the sliding glass door. So I run and go onto the deck.

"Meredith what are you doing here?" Amelia asks with a confused look.

"Derek and I don't leave for another hour and I wanted to spend it with you guys" I smile.

I feel somebody wrap their arms around my body look to see Derek. "She was cranky" he pouts.

"Sorry" I giggle my body relaxing against his.

"You two are Carolyn and Christopher  one hundred percent" my mom groans putting her hand on her forehead.

I frown a little and it doesn't go unnoticed by Derek. "What's wrong?" Derek asks me.

"You guys always talk about him but I mean I don't remember him at all or even know what he looks like for that matter" I say.

Derek reaches in his back pocket pulling out his wallet. He opens the wallet and pulls something out and hands it to me.

It's a picture of Carolyn and Christopher many many years ago before they had children.

"Holy" I mutter.

"What dear?" Carolyn asks.

"Fucking christ Carolyn where did you pull him from?" I ask with a giggle.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Derek frowns.

"It means your father was hot" I laugh.

"Meredith!" I mother says in shock.

"What! He was Carolyn will agree I mean she married the man" I say in defense.

"You should've seen his father" Carolyn said under her breath as she flipped threw a magazine.

"I'm offended" Derek pouts.

"Don't be your basically his clone except he had more grey eyes and you have beautiful blue eyes which I live very much" I tell him turning to face him.

"Hm I'll take it" he says kissing my lips

"Don't ever say that again" Nancy said with a disgusted face.

"What that your dad was hot?" I ask with a grin.

"Exactly never say that" Kathleen said.

"My opinion still stands" I say with a giggle.

"Who would you pick my dad or your fiancee?" Liz asks me.

"That's a hard one..." I say teasingly.

"What do you mean" Derek pouts.

"I'm kidding Derek" I giggle wrapping my arms around him giving him a quick kiss.

"You better" he said wrapping his arms around me again.

"You can't blame her for thinking he was hot I mean I thought the same thing as well as almost every girl at our school" Carolyn shrugged and I smirked.

"Carolyn stop encouraging her" my mother said.

"Hm fine" she says.

"Mer ten mintues left" Derek whispers into my ear.

"Do I have to?" I pout.

"Yes, I'll visit so will they" he says gently and I nod a bit with a sad face.

"Meredith?" Ameila asks realizing my haze.

"Yes?" I ask snapping out of the haze I was in.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"No not really" I laugh shaking my head with teary eyes and Derek holds me tighter.

"We have to leave in a few minutes" Derek explains to them.

"Oh Meredith" my mom sighs taking me out of Derek's grasp into hers.

I sot there in her grasp for a while calming down when Carolyn comes over and I hug her.

"We thought you might want this" Carolyn says handing me something.

I take it and see it's a picture of Derek and I two days ago sitting on the couch with Desmond sitting on my knee as I look up at Derek.

I smile softly at the sight. I look up at Derek. "Oh no not again" he groans knowing what that look ment.

I giggled "why not" I say.

"You know why now say your good byes" he says.

I sigh and get bombarded by Derek's sisters each one saying good bye,  wishing me the best and giving me hugs.

Once all the good byes have been said Derek and I wave one last time and go out to the car. "You know we'll visit" he said squeezing my thigh softly.

"I know" I say wiping my tears.

"Brace yourself you have a very long car ride with Derek Shepherd and I don't know if you'll be alive by the the time we get there" he said before giving me a passionate kiss and driving out of Carolyn's drive way.


Finally I am updating it's been two days sorry for the wait I have some writers block and school is almost over and I'm finishing up school work. Qaeda


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