Chapter 27

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It's Sunday the Mr. Williams situation happened on Wednesday Meredith is fine now. Most of it is fine she acts normal just any mention of him makes her on the verge of a break down. Other wise she is fine she actually opened up to Derek about it and he comforted her and listened.
But she has been feeling nauseous lately and its usually only in the morning and at night. She is also very emotional even during the Mr. Williams thing she would've never cried that much.

"Meredith" Derek sighed rubbing her back as she emptied her stomach into the toilet.

"Derek when will it stop?" she ask quietly laying her head back into his chest.

"I'm not sure, maybe you should go to the doctor" he suggested.

"No, I don't want to" she protested.

"Well it's either that or you could try a pregnancy test to see if that's the case" he said honestly looking into her eyes.

"Do you think I could be?" She asked him with teary eyes.

"There is a possibility Mer" Derek said rubbing her cheek with his thumb wiping away stray tears.

"Do you want me to buy some pregnancy tests?" He asked her softly.

She nodded softly after a bit of hesitation.

"I'll go and buy some okay?" He told her still holding her closely.

"Can I come with you?" She asked him.

"Of course you can wanna get dressed?" He asked her.

"No can I just stay in the car while you go in?" She asked.

"Yes you can do that but I have to get dressed okay"

"Okay" she nodded letting him get up.

Once he got dressed they got into the car and headed to the drug store.
Meredith didn't feel as bad anymore her nausea has passed it will probably come back around eleven like it has been every night.

They got to the drug store and Derek kissed the top of Meredith's head before he went inside. Meredith's thoughts were wild she was actually kind of hoping she was pregnant just the thought of  being able to see Her and Derek's children running made her smile. She also was thought about the living arrange ment the trailer is fine for the two of them but with a baby ot would just be hard.
She was snapped out of her trans when Derek closed the door.

"I got five tests.." Derek said pulling them out of the bag.

"That's okay we'll use all of them just to be sure" Meredith smiled.

"Okay yeah let's go home" he said pulling out of the parking lot.

"Derek?" Meredith asked as they were driving home.

"Hm?" Derek hummed dropping one of his hands down to her thigh to let her know he was listening.

"Can I wait until after the gala to take the tests?" She asked.

"Yeah, mhm we can do that" he smiled squeezing her thigh a bit.

"Okay" she sighed softly. "Derek?" She asked again.

"Meredith?" He asked in the same tone.

"If..I am pregnant what will we do about our living arrangements?" She asked.

Derek smiled and stopped at the red light. He looked over at her and said "I can show you at home" and turned back as the light turned green.

They returned home and Derek pit the pregnancy tests in the cabinet under the sink. He came out of the bathroom and saw Meredith laying on the bed naked. Her legs were spread so he could see her glistening pussy. His pants tightened, she was pleasuring her self while moaning his name.

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