Chapter 2

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Why is Wei Qing here?

    This was the first thought that popped into Wen Ziheng's mind, and then his body had already made a conditioned reflex action before his brain -- he stepped back, hurriedly exited the elevator, and escaped from the place where he was about to be alone with Wei Qing. Enclosed spaces to get along with.

    However, when Wen Ziheng was stunned, the elevator door slowly closed. Wen Ziheng, who moved too fast, slammed into the closed elevator door with a thud. The hard metal hit his back and made his back numb. The cup of coffee was spilled everywhere, and there was a lot of splashes on the white shirt, and a few drops of brown liquid dripped down the lines of his palm.

    At this moment, Wen Ziheng was embarrassed and confused at the same time.

    His brain was like a mess of woolen threads, and he could only find two ends at the edge, but he couldn't separate the threads that had already been tangled in knots.

.Compared to Wen Ziheng's panic, Wei Qing was very calm, half-closed his eyes and looked at Wen Ziheng for a moment, his eyes were calm, like a lake that couldn't make any waves, even just now. Wen Ziheng's series of extreme actions couldn't shake him at all.


    Yes, Wen Ziheng only saw a strange thing in his eyes.

    Wen Ziheng gradually calmed down, and his originally chaotic thoughts suddenly became clear in this second - he and Wei Qing had broken up for five years, even though Wei Qing was Xiaoxi's biological father, he fell in love with Wen Ziheng. Yan was still in the past tense, and Wei Qing didn't even know that he had a son.

.Wen Ziheng breathed out silently, took out the few remaining cups of coffee, and pressed the button on the top floor as if nothing had happened. He even glanced at it, Wei Qing was going to the 24th floor, which was reserved for company leaders. office floor.

    The quiet air kept squeezing Wen Ziheng's nerves, and he would never dream of meeting Wei Qing again on such an occasion.

    Not knowing what Wei Qing did in the company, and his eyes were too indifferent, Wen Ziheng even gave birth to a feeling that he had never known him.

    Thinking of Wen Ziheng's self-deprecating lips, Wei Qing's family is good-looking and handsome. After he and Wei Qing dated, there were countless men and women who came to Wei Qing. What kind of men and women are on Wei Qing's conditions Can't find a friend? Maybe he didn't remember his first term for a long time.

.Wen Ziheng thought that five years would be enough to numb his troubled heart, but the dull pain still lingered on every nerve in him. His eyes were sore, and it seemed that hot liquid was about to overflow from the sockets of his eyes.

    In panic, Wen Ziheng hurriedly looked up at the number jumping up on the display screen. At this moment, some movement sounded behind him. Before Wen Ziheng could figure out what the sound was, a warm breath suddenly poured on him. behind the neck.

    Wen Ziheng froze for a while, and the goose bumps all over his body stood up in an instant. He turned around suddenly, but his right foot was caught by his left foot and he fell straight forward.

    Then he was hugged by Wei Qing who was standing in front of him, Wen Ziheng turned his face in confusion, raised the water glass with his right hand, and pressed his cheek against Wei Qing's chest. A strong and powerful heartbeat.

    Boom! Boom! .Boom!

    It was as if the hugs and familiar breaths that had been separated by a century made Wen Ziheng feel sour in his heart. The memories from five years ago were like a sealed Pandora's box. Once opened, the pain and despair contained in it almost disappeared. Ziheng drowned.

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