Chapter 55

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The next Sunday, Wei Qing woke up early from her home. The house here is too small to fit too many fitness equipment. After living for a long time, Wei Qing has developed the habit of going out for morning jogging. Of course, exercise is the second, the main purpose. Or go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for breakfast for the big and small ones who are still in bed at home.

    Just as Wei Qing was huddled among a group of uncles and aunts in the supermarket to choose the ingredients, the call of her friend Shi Yan rang like a life-threatening call. Shi Yan is less than 30 years old this year. The second generation of the rich and rich of the content is also a regular member of Wei Qing and Qiu Xi's circle of friends.

.In fact, most of their friends, including Shi Yan, have heard about the recent breakup between Wei Qing and Qiu Xi. At first, they thought it was Wen Yuanxian who was in the middle of sowing discord, although they felt helpless. The two good brothers were arguing over a woman. Endless, but it is someone else's private matter after all, and they don't say much as bystanders. It was not until this morning that many people heard the news that Wei Qing had sold Qiu Xi at the birthday banquet held by Wang's family last night. to the seriousness of the situation.

    In addition, Qiu Xi was also thrown into the hospital by the cruel woman Wen Yuanxian with a vase, and has not recovered until now. After receiving the call, Qiu Xi's parents hurriedly put down their work and rushed to the hospital, but what they saw was Qiu Xi. Tin's head wrapped in white gauze into a dumpling.

.When she learned that her son was opened by the host's vase at the banquet, Qiu Mu, who was overly sad, fainted on the spot. I couldn't even persuade them, and a bunch of people were arguing in the hospital.

    Shi Yan and a few friends just came out of the hospital to see the unconscious Qiu Xi. As soon as the group parted ways, Shi Yan couldn't wait to call Wei Qing. In the circle of friends, only he and Wei Qing have a closer relationship.

    "You know about Qiu Xi, right?" Shi Yan said straight to the point without detours.

    The environment around Wei Qing was extremely noisy, and he was casually picking up seaweed with a plastic bag.

."Last night, he was opened by Wen Yuanxian's stupid woman with a vase. He is still lying in the hospital with a corpse. Wen Yuanxian and her parents are hiding like grandchildren and dare not come out to meet people. Qiu Xi's mother I cried so hard that I fainted all night." Shi Yan slapped the steering wheel hard, so angry that his teeth were almost crushed.

    Hearing that, Wei Qing didn't care much and said, "Isn't this normal? One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. What are you so angry about?" Not long after the words fell, Wei Qing said again, "Troublesome. Weigh all these down, thank you." Obviously the latter sentence was not addressed to Shi Yan on the phone.

    Shi Yan was silent for a while, listening to Wei Qing's soothing voice, he couldn't help asking, "Are you outside?"


    "Why don't you tell me earlier, where are you?" Shi Yan said, "I'm going to your house to find you and talk to you about Qiuxi in person."

.After hearing Wei Qing report the address of an unfamiliar supermarket, Shi Yan was stunned again, thinking that this young master Wei is so leisurely and elegant that he actually went to the supermarket across the diameter of a city.

    Half an hour later, Shi Yan drove his bright green sports car to the outside of the supermarket that Wei Qing said. In the middle, even he felt out of place, touched his nose in embarrassment, paid the 8 yuan parking fee, and walked straight to the fresh food section of the supermarket.

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