Chapter 33

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Wen Ziheng didn't want to talk to Zu Qian from the bottom of her heart. When Sun Jingyi was still working in the company, the two of them often united to exclude and isolate others, mixing up the originally peaceful workplace into chaos. The festival department was independent. They won't let Wen Ziheng be involved too much with them. The poor managers of the first two sales departments and the third sales department will be put together by them if they don't pay attention.

    In the past, Wen Ziheng didn't directly throw his face on Sun Jingyi and Zu Qian because of his affection, but now that Sun Jingyi's incident happened, he didn't want to do any more face-saving work.

.Zu Qian, who was ignored, was trembling with anger, her teeth became tighter and tighter, and she even tasted a sweet and bloody taste in her mouth. Since Sun Jingyi was kicked out of the company by Wei Dong, it seems that her way has become extremely difficult. After being flat, the result of being tied up with Sun Jingyi for a long time was that everyone forced the impression of Sun Jingyi onto her, as if the person who poured dirty water on Wen Ziheng's head was not Sun Jingyi but her Zu Qian.

    But the key is that she is not Sun Jingyi at all, why did Wen Ziheng point his nostrils at him?

    The more Zu Qian thought about it, the more irritated she became. In excitement, she turned around and shouted at Wen Ziheng's back, who was leading her son away, "Wen Ziheng."

    Wen Yan Wen Ziheng just paused for a moment, but continued to walk forward without stopping.

    "Wen Ziheng."..Zu Qian raised her voice abruptly, stepped on the eight-centimeter stiletto heels to catch up with the meteor, and said in a sharp voice, "Didn't you hear me calling you just now? Everyone belongs to the same company, what are you pretending to be? "

    Wen Xi, who was caught off guard, was startled by Zu Qian's loud voice, her small shoulders shook violently, and conditioned reflexively, she picked up Wen Ziheng's legs like a frightened kitten and wanted to go to her father. Climbing, Wen Ziheng saw Wen Xi's pale face with fright, and suddenly felt his whole heart clenched with pain. He quickly hugged Wen Xi in his arms, and Wen Xi immediately transformed into a koala with his limbs tightly Clinging to Wen Ziheng's body.

    Wen Ziheng turned his head blankly to look at Zu Qian, who had walked behind him, with layers of depression in his cold eyes.

    "what do you want to say in the end?".Wen Ziheng suppressed his voice to a very low level, and his dark eyes looked at Zu Qian for a moment. He seldom was so angry at this moment, even if he heard Sun Jingyi and Zu Qian complaining in the tea room, he would not Will so clearly write anger on his face, "I want to press my head again to apologize to Sun Jingyi? You have to understand that my son and I are the victims and Sun Jingyi is the perpetrator, because she got the punishment she deserved. , I, the perpetrator, should apologize to her? What is the difference between your thinking and those who speak for criminals on the Internet? "

    Although Wen Ziheng deliberately lowered his voice, he was still heard by a few colleagues who passed by, and they all looked over and pointed and whispered.

.Zu Qian was stunned for a moment by Wen Ziheng's words, her face flushed red, she wanted to refute, but she heard some colleagues next to her saying that she was looking for Wen Ziheng's fault, and the rest of the words were stuck in her throat. , she clenched her fists, endured and endured and finally fled away in despair.

    After Sun Jingyi's play, Wen Ziheng seemed to be the object of sympathy for all the melon eaters. As soon as Zu Qian left, those colleagues swarmed around to greet Wen Ziheng.

    "Zu Qian's girl is a good girl. If you don't pick things up for a day, you will feel itchy and uncomfortable. You should think that she is farting when she talks."

    "And Sun Jingyi just left yesterday, and the embarrassed duo suddenly lost half of the country. Doesn't Zu Qian have to get used to it for a while?"

    "By the way, Zu Qian's reputation in the company is so bad, will it affect her impression in Director Wei's heart?  Wei Dong just came here to go into battle in person in everything. It's impossible not to hear the rumors that Zu Qian and Sun Jingyi made trouble together yesterday, right? "

    "You don't know this, right? Wei Dong is the one who stands at the top of our pyramid. As the saying goes, he stands tall and sees far. What these people under us have done is like a podium in Wei Dong's place. The teacher looks at the classmates below, maybe Wei Dong knows exactly how many minutes you spend going to the pantry and bathroom every day."

    "'re exaggerating a bit..."

    "If you don't believe me, ask Wei Dong to go?"


.Several people have already walked to the lobby on the first floor during the conversation. These four colleagues are members of the marketing department next door. They have had several contacts with Wen Ziheng at work, and the relationship is not bad. What surprised Wen Ziheng the most was Wen Xi. It seems that they do not reject their approach. Except for the fear and vigilance shown by grasping Wen Ziheng's collar at the beginning, the little guy did not make any resisting actions to express his dissatisfaction as in the past.

    So Wen Ziheng naturally agreed to the invitation of his colleagues to have lunch together. He wanted to see how much Wen Xi had changed.

.When the group walked out of the company building, there was a loud noise in front of the third revolving glass door, attracting many passersby. Burying his face into his arms, Wen Ziheng stroked his son's soft black hair soothingly. Looking over to the place where the incident happened, he saw three security guards hurriedly grabbing at the arm of a man who was dragging the man down the stairs. rush.

    The man had his back to Wen Ziheng, so Wen Ziheng couldn't see his appearance clearly, but from the expensive custom suit on the man, it could be seen that this should not be an ordinary person who came here to make trouble.

    The other four colleagues began whispering gossip again.

    "This is the first time he has come here? It seems that the security guards didn't dare to drive him away so blatantly at first, right? It's probably what Wei Dong meant."

    "Isn't that so? . Even Qiu Shao couldn't step into the door of our company. It must be Wei Dong's meaning. It seems that Wei Dong is determined not to see him. I remember that Qiu Shao was still posting his brotherhood with a group of sons and brothers on ins a while ago. There is our Director Wei, who did not expect a man to turn his face faster than a book. "The female colleague held her chin and tutted twice.

    "Young Master Qiu? Are you talking about Qiu Xi, the vice president of Huizhuo Entertainment?"

    "it's him."

    Qiu Xi?

    Wen Ziheng, who heard the name, was suddenly stunned, and even the absent-minded eyes just now became serious. If he guessed correctly, this Qiu Xi was the one who called him five years ago and begged him to help convey the news to Wei Qing. Qiu Xi, right? As a result, Qiu Xi not only did not convey the fact that he was waiting in the cafe to Wei Qing, but also sow discord at Wei Qing and increase the misunderstanding between him and Wei Qing.

    It was him...

.Just as Wen Ziheng was staring at Qiu Xi, Qiu Xi, who had his back turned in their direction, seemed to sense an unintelligible gaze behind him, and suddenly turned to look at him while being pulled by the security guard.

    Then their eyes met.

    Qiu Xi was stunned for a moment, his face instantly turned ashen, he shook off the security guard's entangled hand, and walked towards Wen Ziheng.

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