Chapter 10

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Wen Yuanxian was flustered, she couldn't help but guess the reason why Wei Qing was so indifferent to her.

    Although Wei Qing had never been enthusiastic about her before, there had never been a time when even a glance at her felt unnecessary like just now, and the indifference emanating from her whole body almost pierced Wen Yuanxian's heart.

    She looked up at Wei Qing expectantly, but the cold and indifferent color on Wei Qing's face did not fade away because of her flattery.

    Afterwards, Wei Qing said something inexplicably: "Miss Wen is in a bad mood?"


    "I've never seen Miss Wen look so fierce. I'm afraid that you are too loud when you talk softly and weakly. It turns out that there is such a surprising side." Wei Qing smiled, her eyes were cold.

."..." Wen Yuanxian's cheeks were pale, and she kept replaying Wei Qing's words in her mind like a repeater. After she thought about it, Wei Qing really heard her cursing. Expose your nature in public places where Wei Qing may appear at any time.

    It's a pity that Wen Yuanxian didn't mean to reflect on herself at all. She blamed all the mistakes on Wen Ziheng. If Wen Ziheng hadn't deliberately provoked her, she wouldn't be so angry and stupid to say those words.

    "Let's skip the meal this time. I'm worried that there will be something that makes Miss Wen unhappy, and I've been scolded with blood by you. Maybe there will be some black material exposed, then it will not be worth the loss." Wei Qing added more. A knife.

    Wen Yuanxian's face turned pale again, and the incandescent light shone on her bloodless face, as if it could reflect light.

.After Wen Yuanxian fled, Wei Qing also left. Wen Ziheng slowly turned off the computer, tidied up the desk, closed the windows and power supply, and walked to the elevator after finishing everything. I saw Wei Qing who was waiting there.

    "..." Wen Ziheng silently glanced at the time on the phone.

    Less than ten minutes.

    This guy is too fast.

    When approached, Wei Qing had already pressed the elevator, Wen Ziheng was obviously absent-minded and absent-minded, but Wei Qing made no secret of his good mood, and even his tone of voice was a few degrees lighter: "At night What to eat?"

    Wen Ziheng looked at the beating numbers on the display with boredom: "Whatever."

    Wei Qing asked again, "What does your son like to eat?"

    Wen Ziheng replied quickly: "Beef."

."...As expected of my father, my son can answer the food he likes in one bite." Wei Qing twitched the corners of his mouth with a half-smile, and said yin and yang, with a bit of a sour taste in his words, "Anyway, we used to Do you remember what I liked to eat after a few years?"


    Wen Ziheng replied quickly in his heart, and he suddenly felt amused after tasting this answer. Five years have passed, and Wei Qing has not changed at all in this regard, but after thinking about it, he felt a burst of sadness.

    Others have long been different.

    Until the two walked out of the elevator to the parking lot, Wei Qing did not wait for Wen Ziheng's answer. With his former temperament, he had to press Wen Ziheng against the wall and kiss the other party to give him a satisfactory answer, but now He has no ground and no courage.

.The parking lot was dimly lit, Wei Qing silently looked at Wen Ziheng's slightly emaciated profile in front of the right, she wanted to say something, but felt a lump of cotton stuck in her throat.

    In the end, everything I wanted to say turned into a sigh—

    Then Wei Qing opened the co-pilot's door and got into the car while sighing. He closed the door and fastened his seat belt. When he turned his head, he saw Wen Ziheng in the driver's seat staring at him without words. His face was full of writing. Expressions of rejection and rejection.

    Wen Ziheng said, "Don't you have a car?"

    Wei Qing lied and said innocently: "It's broken, you don't mind if I take a ride? Anyway, we're all the way."

    "..." Wen Ziheng saw through Wei Qing's lies at a glance, but he couldn't prove Wei Qing was lying, and he couldn't call the repairman to see if his car was broken.

.He drove out of the parking lot without saying a word. Wen Ziheng, who was extremely depressed, didn't say a word on the next road. Although Wei Qing would chatter from time to time, every time Wen Ziheng performed exceptionally well. Showing off his proudest trait - invulnerability.

    No matter what Wei Qing said, he just didn't listen.

    don't listen, don't listen...

    When he was about to arrive at the kindergarten, Wei Qing finally became quiet.

    At 7:30 in the evening, usually at this time, the kindergarten teacher would lead Wen Xi to wait outside the gate. From a distance, two figures, one big and one small, could be seen standing on the side of the road, looking around. For some reason today, Wen Ziheng looked around. After looking around, I couldn't find the familiar little figure.

    "What's wrong?" Wei Qing asked.

    "fine.".Wen Ziheng parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car and walked to the gate of the kindergarten to take a look, before taking out his mobile phone and making a call, he walked back.

    Sitting in the car, the phone just got connected, the teacher had already gone home to prepare dinner, heard Wen Ziheng's anxious voice, smiled and said, "Mr. Qi picked up Xiaoxi when the child just finished school. I thought you knew that."

    After hanging up, Wen Ziheng continued to call Qi Chengche's number.

    The beep sounded for six or seven seconds before the call was connected, and Qi Chengche's gentle voice with a smile came from the receiver: "Have you got off work?"

    Wen Ziheng responded, and after starting the car, for convenience, he simply switched the phone to the Bluetooth in the car, so Qi Chengche's voice would inevitably come out from the car stereo, but Wen Ziheng had nothing to be concerned about. Wei Qing didn't care when he heard the conversation between him and Qi Chengche.

    "Is Xiaoxi at your house?" .Wen Ziheng asked.

    "Yes, I took him over after get off work today." Qi Chengche seemed to be still doing something, speaking intermittently, the background sound was Wen Xi's silly hehe.

    Hearing the voice, Wen Ziheng was stunned for a long time, and he couldn't remember how long he had not heard such a laugh from Wen Xi, so long that he even thought that Wen Xi would only be silent or call Dad timidly.

    "Sorry, why did I forget to tell you about this." Qi Chengche realized that he had taken Wenxi away from the kindergarten without saying a word, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Ziheng, Xiaoxi is dirty all over. Yes, I just took care of cleaning him when I got back, and forgot to tell you, where are you now?"

    Wen Ziheng said, "I'm on my way to your house."

    "Okay, Xiaoxi and I are waiting for you."..Qi Chengche laughed softly, like a breeze blowing into his heart, always giving people a comfortable feeling.

    After hanging up the phone, there was a long silence in the car.

    Then Wei Qing's gloomy voice suddenly sounded: "Who is this man?

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